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Comment Re:Easy to solve - calibrate them to overestimate (Score 2) 398

Then you haven't been paying attention, ATS, Redflex, and the other red light camera companies have been getting bad press all over the country, from Florida, to NJ, to Chicago where Redflex personnel bribed officials to get the $2B contract there, and there are public allegations from a former executive that they routinely bribed officials in at least 13 states: California, Washington, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Florida, New Jersey, Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia.

Comment Re: May I suggest (Score 1) 334

A good friend of mine bought a south korean air rifle, 45 caliber, 1.000fps. He bought it with a few rebuild kits, figures if he every runs out of ammo he can cast bullets and use the air rifle almost indefinitely. He's already taken a Texas deer with it on his property so he knows it's effective. I'm not really into the prepper thing myself but I did love the simplicity of the setup if you are inclined in that direction.

Comment Re:How many really make $140k ? (Score 1) 198

Hmm, I actually felt bad for the guy who ran the NYC office at my previous employer, he made $115k a year and to be able to afford a three bedroom with a yard he had a two+ hour each way commute to work. He was driving a ten+ year old car and barely managing to save enough to put his kids through school, his own retirement fund was essentially nonexistent. He wasn't wanting for food, but the same salary here in Cleveland has you living fairly well with much more wiggle room.

Comment Re:Hold on a minute (Score 1) 198

And you already make 3-4 times what a teacher with an advanced degree does, or a nurse.

In what world? I make less than 150% of the average for a teacher with a masters or an RN in my part of Ohio and I'm pretty highly compensated (technical manager at a larger company) with over 15 years experience in the field. If someone in IT is making 300-400% of those positions then they're either a complete rockstar at a tech firm with tons of free cash or those positions are woefully underpaid in that part of the country and that should probably be fixed.

Comment Re:It had better be reliable! (Score 2) 158

You do the same thing you do with mechanical parts, you buy OEM replacement parts (federal requirements require that a certain number of each part be produced for every x vehicles sold), buy a non-OEM compatible part, or you rebuild or replace the failed component. In the case of the computer controlled battery controller you would install a Tesla spare, a rebuilt Tesla part, another electronically controlled fan, or a simple thermostatically controlled fan with sufficient safety margin to not risk an overheating situation but probably at the expense of some driving range. If you think a 70, or even 20 year old ICE car is going to be a daily driver without some combination of the above you've never worked on anything not supported by a current dealer network.

Comment Re:the registry (Score 2) 104

The registry has always been multi-tenant, even on a standard box with one user it's 5-6 files depending on OS version, and on a terminal server there can be hundreds of registry files open at the same time, plus registry redirection and virtualization is already part of App-V.

Comment Re:BitTorrent or some other p2p file downloader (Score 2) 294

If you have a typical asymmetrical connection you'll want to limit your number of peers to ~200 per 1Mbps of upload you have, any more than that and you tend to actually see your download speeds slow as your client uses so much bandwidth managing peers that it chokes off the return packets to keep the download speed going.

Comment Re:This is the UK (Score 1) 403

A car with a smaller engine will have better MPG than a car with a bigger engine.

Not always true, if the small engine is straining where the big engine is in the optimal portion of its power band then the bigger engine can achieve better fuel economy. This is not generally true as typical commuter type transportation doesn't come near straining even "underpowered" engines, but if you're towing a load near the GVWR or have a heavy foot it can be true.

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A large number of installed systems work by fiat. That is, they work by being declared to work. -- Anatol Holt
