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Comment Re:Um.... (Score 1) 562

It means they have much the same bias as the folks that give in without question. The status quo is paramount: Follow orders, maintain hierarchy, and do not be disruptive to society in any meaningful way. There is little to no distinction between malice and benevolence in this regard.

They may agree that it sucks. They may not like it. They may even protest profusely. But, in the end, it's preferable to know with certainty just how exactly people are being dominated and exploited. Uncertainty means not being prepared for what may happen and loss of advantage to those individuals who are capable of foreseeing, reacting, and adapting more effectively.

Comment Re:So, in other words, they violate basic IT polic (Score 1) 151

Yeah, all the old behaviors still exist from childhood. Maturity just takes off enough of the rough edges to not be continually abrasive. Well, in those that have matured anyway. About a third of population didn't made it past puberty personality wise. And, about 9% never made it past the terrible twos. That latter group frequently clusters at the extremes of society, for example, in positions where they make and/or break the rules.

Comment Re:how long (Score 1) 398

Of course telling the truth is illegal in a society that depends on it's members telling themselves lies just to go through life without going ape-shit.

Here's a partial list:
The truth will set you free (as in death, unemployment, homelessness, divorce, etc...)
Hard work pays (minimum wage.)
Intelligence is respected (when it fits our designs.)
Honesty is the best policy (to espouse, just don't practice it.)
The little guy has a chance to make it (provided he has blackmail armor to take the blows.)
Heros are to be praised (to drown them out, then tossed in a closet until they are needed again, assuming they survive in the first place.)
It is better to do things the right way (just make sure it's the boss's "right way.")
We are all equals (unless you are in a position of power.)
The law applies to everyone (except those that make it.)
Justice is blind (to reason.)
True love is out there (just like Santa Claus!)
Love and marriage go together (if you love fights, pissing matches, resource paranoia, monotony, and abstinence.)

And, I really doubt this is limited to the US of A.

Comment Re:In a related story... (Score 1) 279

Anyone else remember this happened occasionally in the 80's and 90's: Some loner would tell a bully to fuck off, the bully or his/her family would bitch, the cops raid the loner's house, find a box of batteries and a gas can next to a lawn mower or similar, and claim to have found bomb making materials?

Comment Re:Slashdot Canidate (Score 2) 688

Agreed to some extent, it seems a lot of us libertarians cannot grasp that if an entity gains the power to run people's lives, it's a governmental entity regardless of whether or not it is officially recognized as one. So, instead they prop up some other megalomaniacal entity so long as it does not have the bad word written on the big club they beat you with.

Maybe the delusion persists because it is self-serving to ignore the consequences of acting on such beliefs: Prop up a a favored dictator while pretending to improve the condition of society. And, instead, they are just hoping that this bully will beat the shit out of someone else for a change and maybe look the other way if they want to join in. I have seen some indications of this in many political/economic/religious movements.

Comment Re:So Sad (Score 2) 684

Sadly, in reality, the same bullies end up exploiting this system as well by basically employing parasitic behavior. What they can do, for instance, is pretend to be on top of it by taking credit for group's brainstorming and while volunteering everyone else to do the work to someone important, park their asses on the project and make the other people pay them to get out of the way enough for the work to be done, hijack the project in the last 5 minutes and turn it in for their own benefit, trash it, and dump it back into the laps of the rest of the team, because they obviously need to fix their problem.

Comment Re:It's all tied together (Score 4, Interesting) 550

I wonder how people would feel if they realized that, agnostic to the possibility of a deity existing, their "god" likely isn't much more than a warped internalization of their parents ... kind of the adult version of an imaginary friend.

Thus making religion a manifestation of something along the lines of the sense of security of the family, the anxieties of growing up, and the fear of encountering dangers outside of the family, etc...

Basically, people like the sense of familiarity and try to maintain some semblance of it into adulthood so they feel more secure and sure of themselves. It gets spooky when you realize that that sense of familiarity is frequently not the positive kind.

This is usually where I get accused of being atheistic...


China Unveils Yet Another Stealth Fighter 223

An anonymous reader writes "Pictures of a new Chinese stealth fighter prototype started showing up recently on the web. The airplane prototype was photographed at a Shenyang aircraft facility and seems to be a twin-engined lightweight fighter in the F-35 class. US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta is scheduled to visit China this week in the midst of tension regarding territorial disputes in the region."

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