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Comment Re:If you can't keep your eyes on the ROAD (Score 1) 195

"So your night vision isn't getting fucked with by the head lights of oncoming cars?"

Less so than when you go throwing more photons at your eyes from inside the windshield, taking detail away from what's outside the windshield, and blocking your vision because you're trying to see shit outside your windshield through a damned reflected projection coming from inside your windshield.

"but that's probably because sodium vapor lights are efficient and reliable"

*LAAAAAUGH* Efficient in ONE COLOR with horrible color and detail reproduction.

" The move to LED street lighting is going to see a lot more blue light at night (white LED's being a blue LED with yellow phosphor)"

You're trying to talk to someone that does LEDs for a living about LEDs?

We've got new junction tech that allows a single substrate to produce all wavelengths, and is tunable in-manufacturing. Blue with a shit phosphor isn't going to be around much longer.

Comment Re:If you can't keep your eyes on the ROAD (Score 1) 195

"No, there is substantial debate on this subject still."

From IDIOTS. The USAF has already conducted test after test after test. For night conditions, a red HUD causes the least amount of interference. We also know exactly why this is, it is a simple matter of chemistry.

"Get a car with good headlights, use them."

That won't make a difference if your green or blue HUD is overcoming the average levels of light coming through your windshield - it will effectively wash out anything past the HUD. Similar to a dirty windshield in application.

Comment the analogy can work (Score 1) 154

though only if you identify the scope of the work. You need a bricklayer to build the house, but he needs to be educated if he's going to be the GC / project lead. Don't hire unskilled labor for a skilled position.

But it totally makes sense to hire basic codemonkeys for the grind work. You don't need a CS degree to maintain your site's javascript or write queries all day long.


Creating Bacterial "Fight Clubs" To Discover New Drugs 30

Science_afficionado writes: Vanderbilt chemists have shown that creating bacterial 'fight clubs' is an effective way to discover natural biomolecules with the properties required for new drugs. They have demonstrated the method by using it to discover a new class of antibiotic with anti-cancer properties. From the Vanderbilt website: "That is the conclusion of a team of Vanderbilt chemists who have been exploring ways to get bacteria to produce biologically active chemicals which they normally hold in reserve. These compounds are called secondary metabolites. They are designed to protect their bacterial host and attack its enemies, so they often have the right kind of activity to serve as the basis for effective new drugs. In fact, many antibiotics and anticancer compounds in clinical use are either secondary metabolites or their derivatives."

Comment Re:It depends (Score 1) 126

"browser standards compliance is so much better"

Not even. Closest one to any sort of compliance is Chrome, which is a multi-process steaming hunk of garbage. It can do HTML5 and WebGL properly.

FireFox? Trying to log into my in-development game using the web interface, (again, pure HTML5 and WebGL) it fucking horks. What's sad is that IE8 works better for my web game than the latest version of FireFox.

Opera? Give me a fucking break.

Comment Some Developers.... (Score 1) 126

"some developers distrust its use in larger projects because (some say) it ultimately leads to breakage-prone code that's harder to maintain."

Most likely because they write shit bloated code in the first place.

Meanwhile, jQuery + SQLite + MariaDB connector, I've got my own personal intelligent porn recommendation/scraper/indexer site that runs through a few million images and renders my requested search results in under a tenth of a second.

So odds are, it's those developers talking about breakage-prone code that are the crap devs, anyways.

Comment If you can't keep your eyes on the ROAD (Score 1) 195

You do not need to be driving. You do not need HUDs to tell you that the red sign up ahead is a stop sign. Nor do you need some accident early-warning system - if you WATCHED THE FUCKING ROAD you'd likely see the accident scene before getting to it (some locations/obstructions of scenery may give varying results.)

And wait for your night vision to get completely turned to ass when they start introducing these HUDs in different colors as a fashion statement. Anything other than red - you're much more likely to crash at night because your night vision is being fucked with.


Keep that shit in the military where it belongs.

Comment Re:Excellent Now Translate (Score 0) 78

"On a very closely related thought this same sort of idea can be used to translate software so that what ran on older legacy platforms or incompatible platforms can automatically be able to run on newer hardware"

Transpilers have existed for ages.

" We need this in a big way."

There's a reason transpilers aren't in use today despite existing - I'll leave that up to you and some deeper critical thinking than what you currently display.

Comment Re: Mob programming ROCKS. (Score 1) 126

I'm not going to say that I make sense. I'm just parroting my personal experiences in managing and coding various projects.

It only makes sense to those that are not afraid to admit that they are wrong and have encountered this same problem of which I speak.

I thank you for the praise, however! It is rare I see MOB programming get any credit of any sort.

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