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Comment Hypocrit (Score 1) 1168

They go against the very principles our nation was founded on, and they have the potential to undo progress toward greater equality

If Tim Cook is so bloody interested in equality, he can give to the poor everything he is paid.

The US was founded on justice, equality before the law . All other forms of equality forced by law are a swindle; they are injustice.

Comment Hell already froze over. (Score 5, Funny) 349

Maybe, some day, Congress will actually fix some of the real fucking problems we have, with having a pseudo, tech. intergrated Government. And maybe, Hell will actually freeze over!

I hear Hell already froze over - several decades ago.

It was a particularly cold snap during winter in Michigan, with sub-zero (farenheit) temperatures. The expanding ice blew out a small (millpond-ish) dam. The water under the ice rushed down the river and overflowed it, pouring down the main street of the little village of Hell, Michigan. It was several inches deep when it slowed enough that the extreme cold froze it solid.

Since then a lot of the stuff that was waiting for Hell to freeze over has been happeng. That explains the last several decades nicely, eh? B-)

Comment Re:The lesser evil. (Score 2) 353

The two leading potential Democrat candidates are Hillary and 'Granny' Warren. Compared to them, Fiorina is a shining star. Fiorina falls about in the middle of the Republican pack, sounding good but with a field of destruction in her wake.

A Democrat president elected in 2016 means the end of the US as a world power, and the beginning of a new dark age. I feel very sorry for the youth of today.

Comment Re:And they said it couldn't be done... (Score 1) 353

The country's current financial problems lie in the erect laps of Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. Due to them, Bush was unable to remove the legislation that caused the 2008 collapse. Granted, Bush is responsible for doing the exact wrong thing in response to the crash, and Obama has followed his lead, compounded with corruption and deliberate destruction.

But don't let me get in the way of your Bush Derangement Syndrome.

Comment Re:Money (Score 1) 353

The 10th Amendment, being part of the Constitution and subsequent to Article 6 Clause 2, supersedes any part of Article 6 Clause 2 with which it conflicts. Further, the judges in the case decided wrongly, and it is the Constitution, not the court, which is the final authority. Fiorina was correct to identify the ruling as a bad one on several grounds. Any president who fails to follow the Constitution, regardless of the claims of any court, is violating the Constitution and should be impeached and removed from office. Any judge who fails to follow the Constitution is violating the Constitution and should be impeached and removed from office.

Comment Re:So she can do to the US... (Score 1) 353

The recession continues, but the media is hiding the fact by cherry-picking statistics and ignoring inflation (inflation used in the technical sense here.) Government dispersing money is not the way to end a recession, and the systematic damage being done will hurt the country for decades.

Obama's biggest monetary cockup came during the first 2 years, when Congress obeyed him slavishly. Blaming Congress for Obama's failings is like pointing at a mirror and saying "It's your fault!"

Comment Re:Now I understand her record at HP (Score 1) 353

Scott Walker left college because he was offered a job that paid very well, that wouldn't still be available when he finished college. It paid more than he was likely to get if he had finished college. Judging from his success, there was no reason to return to college. What did you learn in your last term of college?

Walker is active and dynamic. People who complain that he is divisive fall into 2 camps: those who plan to run against him and their sycophants, and those who like a sneaky or convictionless candidate. A candidate who has successfully opposed unions is a candidate who has successfully opposed entrenched power, and that should be a tremendous plus.

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