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Comment I would have said one... (Score 1) 301

...until I recently got a brand new laptop. The internal wifi cannot work properly at the same time than the internal bluetooth (thanks Dell!), so I need to disable one in the BIOS and add a USB wart. Then with all the variants USB2, USB SuperSpeed, USB3, USB Power, to which to add eSata with possible USB, all of those incompatible in mysterious ways, that makes at least 6.

Comment Re: Do not (Score 1) 133

An intelligent person from say Pharonic times, would be able to understand modern technology after some exposure to it.

It's something that somewhat pissed me off in the movie The Mummy: they used Imhotep as the bad mummy came back to life. It's an insult to that guy who was a true genius of Galileo/Newton/Einstein caliber. 5 millennia ago he wrote medical texts, built the very first pyramid (still standing), invented collumns, performed surgery, astronomy, poetry, philosophy, was a prime minister, was born a commoner but was accorded divine status after his death... One of his diagnostics is still used in current medical textbooks. Come one Hollywood, have some respect ! OK, besides that, the film was halfway decent.

Comment Re:i educate (Score 1) 190

Proprietary (and supported)

Well, if only that was true... I remember a long time ago (Win95 ?) I applied a service pack in a different language than the OS. The result was a clusterfuck. I called MS and from the conversation I could tell that something wasn't right. After a while I asked: "It sounds like you think I'm using a pirated version", which I wasn't (full on-site license with hundreds of seats). I think it was my beginning of a search for something better.

Comment Re:Stop Now (Score 1) 626

TL;DR: Attempting to artificially create a human language is a complete waste of time.

Right on the money. The only artificial language I did find interesting is one whose premise that you could use any word that exists in at least 4 European languages. I think it was Interlingua, but I can't find its specs right now. I did find it very easy to read. But then a chinese or bantu wouldn't understand a word anyway, so why bother ?

Comment Advanced is good enough (Score 5, Interesting) 220

Although I've been a pro for 3 decades, I wouldn't want to be called an expert. The latest fads or syntax gimmicks of C++ and others can be a hindrance to sharing your code and making it maintainable. Case in point I just upgraded a software I wrote in C 20 years ago and there were no fundamental changes, just some new hardware, removal of now unrequired optimizations and off you go thanks for the check. I'd like to see the same thing with Dart or generic lambda containers or JQuery...

Comment Re: What an Embarrassingly Vapid Article (Score 5, Insightful) 477

Particularly since there will be empty cars driving around to reach their next 'driver' instead of being parked. Either by being full on autonomous taxis, or shared between a number of individuals (like one car per family, once the father has reached work he sends the car back home so that the mother can take the kid to kindergarden, etc). Also, instead of paying 40$/hour to park the car download, tell it to drive around slowly until your meeting/dinner is over; that's not going to be a good thing for traffic.

Comment I'm afraid (Score 1) 155

With the latest exploits talking about dormant BIOS exploits impossible to remove without a JTAG hardware programmer, or USB port reprogramming with direct access to your memory... I'm afraid the worse is yet to come. This kind of exploit is mostly OS agnostic (plug in the wrong USB device and get completely owned), directly on hardware, undetectable, etc... If the authors want to keep it dormant for long periods they can.

When the first bots started I wish the internet providers had taken steps to completely block the internet access to the clueless owners of owned Windows systems. Show them a captive page with a short explanation why, and a download of an antivirus. No internet access until then. But this should have been done over 15 years ago.

Comment Re:Money (Score 1) 139

Pay me ten times a minimally acceptable wage for two years and I can retire the next eighteen doing what I want.

Not necessarily because by then you'll have a loan on an expensive house, a bunch of kids on the way and a greedy mistress.

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