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Comment Re:Bwahahahahahahwahahahaah (Score 4, Interesting) 529

But the Rolex won't be obsolete in a year. :) And you are pretty much guaranteed that the Rolex will still be working 24 hours later. The Apple Watch has an estimated 18 hour life.

I don't know about the Apple fanclub, but I've had plenty of days where I didn't get home for 24 hours. Needing to feed my phone twice a day seems just about as needy as a tamagotchi.

Comment Re:All payment systems are mobile (Score 1) 230

I guess I could explain it a bit better.

It was payroll. The first bank was the bank the payroll checks were drawn on. That wasn't my account. That bank actually wouldn't have me as a customer, because my credit rating wasn't good enough without adding more fees. They also charged fees for *everything*. If you were rude enough to talk to a teller, that was $5. Using a check cost. They had all kinds of creative ways to hit you with fees just because.

On the credit rating part, it wasn't "bad". It was good enough to have credit cards, get a car loan, etc. They were just dicks. So an extra service charge for my credit score.

If I deposited in my bank, it could take a week for the funds to show up. I just mentioned it as writing a check in the previous post.

They still charged me the $5 for showing up to cash the check, and I still argued against it every time. It required 2 forms of ID, verification of the signature card, manager approval, calling my boss to verify that he wrote the check, and whatever else they could do. Sometimes I had to wait for "the cash truck". No truck ever arrived, but suddenly they'd have more cash. That was basically that they ran out of ways to annoy me, other than to make me wait.

So I'd take the cash, put it in my pocket, and walk down the street to the second bank to deposit it.

Comment Re:All payment systems are mobile (Score 2) 230

Years ago, I had to move about $2K between two banks every week. The banks were only about 3 blocks apart. If I wrote a check, it could be delayed by up to a week.

After a few weeks of that, I decided to just walk into the first bank, withdraw the cash, walk to the second bank and deposit it. Every single fucking time I did it, there was always some hassle.

On several occasions, I explained to both bank managers and various middle managers, why I was doing it (because they both sucked). Something would always get it hung up. What should have taken about 10 minutes total could take up to 2 hours.

They are both in the top 10 largest banks in the US. Because of their repeated incompetence, I will never willingly do business with again. I can go in there to take money away from them (legally, of course). I will never have an account with them again.

Comment Blood For the Blood God! (Score 1) 64

And by 'Blood', I of course mean Money. ;) Those minis were not cheap. But Adeptus Titanicus was like a watered down Battletech, but in a good way. You spent more time playing and less time nose deep in rule books. And the mythos! They went deep and wide. A few years ago I was playing Blood Bowl online (soo much easier when the computer does the math for you) and last summer I got the Space Hulk video game for a song on steam (it's literally just the board game in your computer. Terrible video game, but awesome online game simulator).

I hope they stick around for a while longer.

Comment Re:Zombies versus Predators (Score 1) 247

I personally have never killed anything larger than a bug in my life; I suspect a lot of other people haven't either. I've never had to, because there have always been other people who are willing to do those unpleasant tasks for me, in exchange for modest amounts of money.

You're safe; I'm sure in our dystopian zombie future, the phones will still need sanitizing.

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