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Comment Re:nobody saw it coming... (Score 3, Insightful) 335

Markets always crash. It's how they operate. People make money not by owning stocks, but by owning stocks that are moving. It's not in their interest to have a stable marketplace. That's why the stock market will always be volatile, because the people who run it need the volatility to skim off their percentage.

Comment Re:Weak "yea" I guess on this (Score 1) 121

My experience with lost/rediscovered films like this is that they were usually lost for a reason. Nobody cared enough to keep it safe when it was new, and today it is at best a historical curiosity. More often the film is just straight up boring or terrible and maybe it was lost for a reason.

Comment Does anybody use this? (Score 4, Interesting) 47

I remember years and years ago when this first came out it was party to some of the worst looking games of all time. But bad games can be made on any platform, I'm sure someone could have made something good by now. Their website doesn't list any projects that use the library, which is very troubling. They haven't been just developing the library for their own sake for 16 years have they? Someone must be using it.

Comment Re:Missing The Point! (Score 1) 950

Wow, I can't wait until the Congressional hearings on the "hook up classes" held by the first school district that tries this. Teaching "children" about healthy sexual attitudes is a major taboo in the US. It undermines the message they were getting from their church and parents about sex being evil and dirty.

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