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Comment Re:What... (Score 1) 145

I don't know if that is there MO. Last time I was over (and admittedly it has been a while), the GFW was ISP based. Some stuff would work in one place and not another. I think that sometimes we overprescribe evil genius when the answer is just plain old incompetency.

Comment Hospitals are a stupid target (Score 3, Insightful) 130

Hospitals are a pretty stupid target in comparison to banks, physical retail environments, and online stores. A hospital DB might contain a social security number, addresses, illnesses, and birthdate. So what?

If you can get into a bank, you get money account info, credit scores, security tips, former trades, credit cards, all sorts of good stuff. If you get into a retail environment or online store, it's almost as good. Basically, you get money to spend. In a hospital though, the only unique thing you find out is if someone is sick and with what. That's a pain in the ass to work with. You can try to get more info from all that PII, but again, it's a pain in the ass and available elsewhere. Other stuff is more lucrative for the investment of time, criminal risk, and energy.

If you were a terrorist, a hospital might be a bit more interesting, but the various hospital disasters I have read about demonstrate that there isn't much a hacker can really do to hurt people. Nurses at the end of the day don't do stupid things and doctors aren't much worse.

No, hospitals are a stupid place to expend effort.

Comment Re:Entire study is retarded. It's FOOD, not activi (Score 1) 115

That was my thought too. I have trouble imagining that ancestral farming methods were any less strenuous and "bone-buliding" than even persistence hunting.

I've been reading a lot these days about correlations between the rise of agriculture (and the resulting high consumption of grains and carbohydrates) and worsened dental and overall health as well as shorter stature in humans.

I know that even with my own n=1 change in diet (from a "standard western diet" to a low-carb/high-fat) over the last year, my health, according to current "standard" markers" like BMI, A1C, fasting glucose, HDL/Triglyceride ratios, etc. has improved dramatically. The funny thing is, after this change in my diet, I'm just more energetic - I've never in my life had such a desire to just get out and be more active.

It's strange to me, but in the US, the focus in health is so strongly oriented towards keeping the heart healthy. But if you think about it, the heart is a fairly simple organ, being a pump. We can easily transplant it and even make artificial ones. I've come to the conclusion that the focus in health should be on the liver - and that what keeps the liver healthy will keep the rest of me healthy. And liver health is most easily managed by what you put in your mouth.

Comment WTF UK? (Score 5, Informative) 360

It's like the damn island hasn't heard of the UN Declaration of Human Rights. "Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people,"

Mario Balotelli, a black football player with a Jewish mother is suspended a game and fined 25k pounds for posting an anti-racist picture about a multicultural Super Mario.

Luis Suarez was essentially forced out of England for using the word negrito while speaking Spanish because it happened to sound like nigger. (While John Terry was given a sentence of half the time for using the word nigger in English.)

Crazy arse porn rules.

A man is threatened with life in jail for swearing too much.

And what the fuck is an Anti-Social Behavior Order?

How can the nation that brought us Locke also be bringing us this?

Comment Re:You want a family friendly internet? (Score 1) 294

WTF is wrong with the UK?

Mario Balotelli, a black football player with a Jewish mother is suspended a game and fined 25k pounds for posting an anti-racist picture about a multicultural Super Mario.

Luis Suarez was essentially forced out of England for using the word negrito while speaking Spanish because it happened to sound like nigger. (While John Terry was given a sentence of half the time for using the word nigger in English.)

Crazy arse porn rules.

A man is threatened with life in jail for swearing too much.

And what the fuck is an Anti-Social Behavior Order?

Comment Re:About Fucking Time (Score 5, Insightful) 435

For years, the only thing this served was to try to get votes in Florida. And even then, I do not know how much good that did.

Either Obama has written off the Cuban vote in Miami or he has decided to concede FLA to the GOP. Either way, Obama has finally done something right.

Opening up relations with Cuba makes too much financial sense for pride or antiquated ideas of anticommunism to get in the way.

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