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Comment Windows 8.2? (Score 2) 374

I still don't really get what 10 is bringing to the table. It seems like such a minor upgrade - skipping two version numbers is such a farce. The video on that page that highlights 10's new features is such a laugh. It flashes to the same start screen like 8 times with a mouse icon just about to click on a microsoft word icon (brace yourselves!). I can tell from the flashy music that this windows 10 experience must be intense, but saw no objective evidence that it does anything new whatsoever.
    I actually want to see microsoft do well - I think the Surface is an incredible piece of hardware, and it would be great to see the OS and the app store catch up, but 10 just looks like a skin package for win8.

Comment Re:Upside Down? (Score 2) 142

We are finally going to catch this guy!! - http://img.izismile.com//img/i...

(the problem is the background - your brain is very good at understanding what upside-down means, but an algorithm trained by seeing tons of right-sided up images only understands that a silo is rounded on top and straight on the bottom. - The question I have, is what are the pratical implications of all the extra processing power that might take? Finally figuring out who that gymnast was from that circ-du-soleil screenshot? )

Comment Re:Since when are terms of service court enforced? (Score 1) 77

Kind of slanderous statement for an AC to make. Yelp has been in the spotlight for this kind of thing ever since a class action lawsuit in 2011. Any evidence of them doing what you are claiming would garner tons of attention and congratulations btw you would have a pretty strong case against them. I call flat out shenanigans on this post and encourage modding this down unless you can provide some degree of evidence backing such a claim.

Comment ooh, my eyes (Score 1) 62

I tried to watch the sample video thing. Terrible issues with audio-continuity between the views. Seeing that dude's fanny pack was a great example of why nobody needs \ wants this. I might have had some degree of respect for the guy despite his annoying voice if I hadn't switched to the view that showed the bejeweled fanny-pack. Editing exists for a reason, just like elected political representatives. This is like those people that show you their completely unedited vacation photos- all 568 of them. It kills the magic. If done very very well, I could imagine this maybe being useful for porn (but only until good holograms become available).

Comment Re: In other news... (Score 2) 307

my guess is that the NSA ha.... {carrier interrupt.... flagged term detected...refrence auto replace library S:\NSA\project pawn everything\standard response1.txt} "is really just so awesome, all kids like it, totally rad like {auto field\ insert up to date NSA authorized popular rap music singer}! .{\resume native post}

and that's probably why the results look that way.

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