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Comment Re:Why only women? (Score 1) 310

Food for thought, when you compare women who are raped and men who are "made to penetrate", the numbers are nearly identical. Made to penetrate is a special term feminists came up with who guided the FBI's crime report statistics so to mask male victims of rape. Some people dismiss this as tinfoil hat bullshit, but it literally is what happened. Mary Koss was the one behind it.

Comment Re:Why only women? (Score 1) 310


"SUMMARY: This bibliography examines 286 scholarly investigations: 221 empirical studies and 65 reviews and/or analyses, which demonstrate that women are as physically aggressive, or more aggressive, than men in their relationships with their spouses or male partners. The aggregate sample size in the reviewed studies exceeds 371,600. "

Comment Re:Why only women? (Score 1) 310

Look up in-group or same-group preference. Women have it, men do not. Furthermore, men prefer women over their own gender in those studies more often than not. It's a bit of a paradox, but the theory is that men who kowtowed to women were sexually successful and that's why the preference exists. It kinda makes sense if you accept evolutionary psychology. Also, watch these for more in how this manifests in society:

And then there's the Amazing Atheist's "It's only sexist when men do it" video, which I can't find the link for at the moment.

Comment Re:Meanwhile (Score 1) 310

On a related note, notice the complete lack of caring by gender ideologues about the men who are killed in games or how men are depicted with unrealistic physiques. Only when women are the ones on the receiving end of violence does anyone perk up and take notice.

Comment Re:Gender discrimination is cool now? (Score 1) 333

With or without the Hayden rider? People need to be aware that had the ERA passed with it attached then it in no way would have been about "equality", but instead privilege for women.

It boiled down to "Oh, all those cookies men and women get? Men have to give theirs up, but women can keep theirs because we say so."

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