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Comment Re:why? (Score 1) 677

I have a fairly large C++ project with a bunch of classes and it makes good use of operator overloading including overloading + and += on string classes, [] on containers and a whole bunch of operators on various kinds of matrices and vectors and stuff.

Our codebase would be much less readable and easy to work with if it wasn't for operator overloading.

Comment Re:How often would this work? (Score 1) 157

Generally they dont hard-code IP addresses, just domain names.
And when it comes to the server clones I have seen before (e.g. the GameSpy clones made after the shutdown of that service) people either hacked the clients to point to the new domain names or used hosts files or proxies to intercept requests and point them at the new locations.

Comment Re:Uh, don't post... (Score 1, Interesting) 135

If you post and set it to "show only to certain people" (or whatever the settings are on your social media outlet of choice) then yes there IS an expectation that people outside the group can't see it.

If a cop is posing as as a teenager or college kid online so they can hang out in chat-rooms and hook pedophiles that's one thing (pedophiles are scum who deserve to be locked away in one of those nasty jails they show on various TV documentaries) but if they are doing it to bust up a few kids having some beers (and presumably harming no-one except themselves) then that's different and shouldn't be allowed.

Comment Re:The HDMI dongle I want (Score 1) 106

Better yet, why not make a dongle that can pull content directly from the NAS via SAMBA, supports every codec known to man (including the obscure ones) by using something like FFMPEG (with hardware accelerated decoding for the codecs where the hardware can do it) and can be controlled via a normal remote or via an app (one that exists on all the necessary platforms).

As for DRM (which is necessary if you want Netflix etc) just get Adobe to port the same DRM blob being used for Firefox on Windows to the new device and let the blob handle the DRM.

Comment Re:Wow - Sony are imploding (Score 4, Interesting) 65

If I was Sony I would be splitting the company into 3 pieces, one for the movie and music operations, one for the consumer electronics division (Bravia TVs, CyberShot & Alpha cameras etc etc) and one for the PlayStation division and their video games empire.

A 3-way split means the consumer electronics division will no longer be restricted by the need to not do anything that would piss off the guys over in the content creation division. Also people who hate Sony and refuse to buy their products due to the crap their content creation division does (come on, they made & sold a whole pile of audio CDs that installed malware on basically any Windows PC you put the disk into) would be able to buy from the (presumably no longer super-evil) stand-alone consumer electronics company knowing they aren't supporting the super-evil content creation part of the company.

Comment Its their own stupid fault... (Score 0) 294

RadioShack knew a few years ago that they needed to change but they continued to sell crap no-one wanted to buy from them like crappy cellphone plans and overpriced junk. That and the whole "we need your entire life story and all your personal details before we can sell you that pack of AA batteries" BS.

If they had acted sooner, dropped the crap people didn't want like the cellphone plans and anything else that they couldn't get people to buy, dropped the personal data harvesting and maybe introduced some new product lines that people might actually go to RadioShack to buy, they could have saved the business.

Comment I have a mid-range point & shoot (Score 2) 422

I have a Canon PowerShot SX130IS 12.1 megapixel mid-range point & shoot camera (well it was mid range when it came out). Its got a bigger sensor, bigger lens and higher optical zoom level (12x) than any smartphone camera I have ever seen, including the one on my Nokia N900.

For photographing LEGO creations (and getting right in there for close-ups, the macro mode and bigger/better sensor beats any smartphone hands down.

And for photographing when out and about (e.g. buildings, buses, trains, planes etc) where you want to be able to zoom in on things further away the 12x optical zoom easily beats the 0x optical zoom on all the smartphone cameras.

Comment Re:Simple (Score 1) 481

Oh and also they should change the way the airlines (i.e. those doing regular scheduled services, however the FAA defines those) get charged all the airport and airspace fees so as to make it beneficial for the airlines to run fewer services with bigger airplanes instead of more services with smaller planes.

Comment Re:Simple (Score 1) 481

I think they should both drop ALL subsidies for the commercial airlines AND drop all the regulations that restrain competition in the aviation market (i.e. the rule that requires domestic carriers in the US to be US-owned and made it so hard for Virgin America to get going)

Comment Re: Science... Yah! (Score 1) 958

I know fresh ingredients are better tasting and I have had fresh-made many times before (but with tomato paste rather than actual tomatoes) but the jar stuff is both more convenient AND cheaper (I did the math to confirm this). As for the sugar content, I get 4 servings out of one jar and the nutrition information says one such serving contains only 8% of the recommended daily intake of sugar. One serving also contains a single serve of veggies. Oh and the ingredients list doesn't mention a single preservative or anything else artificial, just natural ingredients.

Comment Re:Science... Yah! (Score 1) 958

The alternative is to look at the kind of diet eaten by people who don't have problems with obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes etc and eat food more like that.

Such food would contain a LOT less simple sugars (whether from sugar cane, sugar beets, corn or elsewhere), less fat, more low-GI sustained energy from complex carbohydrates, more fruits and vegetables, more fiber and more vitamins and minerals than the diet of a large chunk of the US population currently does.

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