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Comment Re:This is getting ugly (Score 1) 294

No, but the person who sells the Tesla car is a person who happens to work for Tesla.

The person who arranges the transaction doesn't own the car, the person known as "Tesla Corporation" does.

The salesman has permission via their employment to sell the car. It's still a transaction between the buyer and the salesperson. The money doesn't so to the salesperson's account, but that's irrelevant.

An individual should be able to voluntarily trade with another. A company should be able to voluntarily trade with another company, or another individual. The state should not be involved.

Back to my point: land of the free indeed.

Comment Re:Gentoo (Score 1) 303

I run Gentoo on both my work and home PCs, and I use a special flavour of Ubuntu with real-time extensions to drive a CNC controller. I have experienced hassles with Gentoo along the way, but they seem fewer are farther between now. Compiling from source isn't an issue for me. I can have all 4 cores pegged to 100% for a couple of hours and I hardly even notice it. I prefer the control I have with Gentoo.

The Military

Four Charged With Stealing Army Helicopter Training Software 46

itwbennett writes: Four alleged members of an international computer hacking ring face charges in the U.S. of breaking into the computer networks of the U.S. Army and several tech companies and stealing several software packages, including programs used to train Army helicopter pilots, as well as software and data related to the Xbox One gaming console, the Xbox Live online gaming service and popular games such as Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and Gears of War 3.

Comment Re:"forced labor" (Score 1) 183

You're correct, but the problem you mention is nothing to do with capitalism. If you're suugesting that socialism is a solution to that then you're advocating that the state actively harms people to help those in need.

The only ethical way to help people in need is via compassion and charity. Since government enforced wealth redistribution is compulsoy, it cannot be compassionate not charitable. Those traits are voluntary. It's not the political system via the government that should address the issue of people in need, it's the social system via communities and *voluntary* action that should.

Comment Re:"forced labor" (Score 1) 183

Ethically capitalism is way ahead. Nobody should be in enforced slavery. The state shouldn't actively harm us, they should be procting us from people who want to harm us. Socialism (of the kind in the US, Europe and almost everywhere else) sees the state actively harming people under the guise of "helping" them. That's ethically and morally wrong.

There is no slavery in a proper capitalist system (that is, a system where people are free) - at least not slavery of the kind we're talking about. People will always be slaves to nature and the needs of their bodies - no system can change that.

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