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Comment Re:Good. How is uber any different... (Score 1) 312

I'm willing to bet that compared to traditional taxi customers, far more Uber customers would have smartphones with GPS in hand, meaning a much higher risk of being caught by police. You would have better odds painting your car, masquerading as a traditional taxi, and picking out old people to rob.

Comment Re:why can the world (Score 5, Interesting) 329

Perhaps women have the luxury and privilege of not losing attractiveness when working low-paying jobs. Perhaps men are the victims of a society that forces them to over-work and be over-competitive because women ultimately select whose genes are passed on and whose are not. Perhaps this competitiveness is why men will take on more hard jobs, fight for more raises, and suffer the abuses.

Is female materialism driving men into high wage jobs? Maybe there should be a federal law to address this...

Comment HAHAHA "bare-knuckled" (Score 2) 748

It gets image macros from 4chan and still can't decide on what the irony tag is for. Fark has long become a shadow of its former self. The left leaning political correct mob has been in control for many years now -- even being a consistent critic of public officials on both sides of the political aisle gets you into trouble because in those times when you do write anything critical of a left leaning politician, you get 10 replies of people knocking down strawmen and breathlessly posting whataboutisms.

Comment Re: vs Material Design (Score 1) 181

Private use is different. Parent anon is talking about proper licensing, with future access to Google's code base at stake. Official releases by XioaMi has not and will continue to not have Play Store access in compliance with Google's terms. That's probably fine for them, since most of China don't use the Play Store anyway.

Comment Re:Who gives you the right? (Score 1) 167

Again, comparing two unlike qualities. China's tactics in cracking down on terrorism in its western provinces is very much something you would criticize (if you also criticize the US's tactics). That would be a comparison of like with like. Again, the locking down of sensitive political information is our frame, e.g. criticism of policies, posting of data which contradict official released data, etc.

Comment Re:Not just China (Score 1) 92

The people in China who are wary of this are those of the Slashdot mindset -- your spiritual and intellectual compatriots who want the same thing as you do, privacy and to be left alone by government. Instead of standing up for friends and allies, there are those on Slashdot who would stand up for government. I don't get it. Are your minds warped somehow? Are you all so tolerant of others that you forget who you should be tolerant of?

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The last thing one knows in constructing a work is what to put first. -- Blaise Pascal
