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Comment Re:They always [conveniently] miss facts... (Score 1) 458

At the time I don't think that parsing metadata was feasible with out having to sit there and wait until it finished.

Doesn't Rockbox manage this? (research, research) yes, yes it does. First-gen iPod with Rockbox firmware, you connect it in mass storage mode and stuff your files on it and it does the right thing. So yes, yes it was feasible, and Apple was either incompetent or chose deliberate lock-in. You take your pick, I don't think we've got a false dichotomy here given that the hardware can definitely do the job.

Comment Re:Lack of creativity... (Score 1) 262

A more interesting subject... when you're playing a single player RPG do you ever care what your name is?

Yes. If I'm playing a game which doesn't suck, I try give my character a good name.

If I'm playing a game which sucks, I still name my characters rude things. Got to get your chuckles somewhere. Lunar was made better by seeing "biatch, be strong"

Comment Re:Create a $140 billion business out of nothing? (Score 1) 458

Hate all you want, but there's no denying the fact that the iPhone was the most revolutionary mobile phone there's ever been.

Except everything the iPhone did was done by someone else first, right down to slide to unlock. What the iPhone did was combine all these good ideas, resulting in one successful product. That's why it's evolutionary, not revolutionary.

Sadly, it all ended in 2011. Look at phones. They're all the same as 2011 iPhone was just with 2015 cpu/graphic, 2015 screen brightness/contrast, 2015 CMOS camera sensors.

Yeah, unless you buy a cheapie like a Moto G, then all that stuff is from 2014. (Does come with new gorilla glass, though...)

Comment Re:They always [conveniently] miss facts... (Score 1) 458

If you don't think that syncing from iTunes is a better UX than manually managing files then you're nuts.

Being forced to sync from iTunes is not a better UX than being able to manually manage files. You can still use tools to manage the music on media players which don't require you to use custom software. Many such tools exist, including FOSS offerings like Banshee and Rhythmbox.

Comment Re:Not UBER's fault! (Score 1) 277

This is less about ushering in accountability from UBER than it is about squeezing UBER for every penny she can. It saddens me that a fellow Indian would resort to this.

It saddens me that your government is so useless that she has nowhere else to turn. If she accuses her attacker at home, what happens to her?

Comment Re:Right, I didn't say that, I keep saying the opp (Score 1) 458

We spent around $100 million per year to reduce drunk driving, and that saved 10,000 lives per year.

Can you give a reference to the source for this?

(I'm not disputing your assessment; just want to throw it all up in Excel sheet to see how much we could save per year if we diverted all military spending on Iraq+Afghanistan on social programs like that.)

Comment Re:better than rushing steaming piles of shit. (Score 1) 180

The first time I've read the series, I waded through God Emperor, and got completely bogged down on Heretics. After that, I had re-read the first three books several times, but each time I tried to go further I'd immediately remember why I stopped last time ...

Fast forward ten years, and I tried re-reading the whole thing again - and found that I actually enjoyed it. I still like the earlier books more, and the later ones are definitely harder and a slower read, but they no longer bore me.

Perhaps it just takes a certain amount of life experiences to appreciate them?

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