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Comment Re:Sturgeon's law (Score 2) 269

Apple created the f-ing platform, both hardware and software as well as the distribution system. It is WILDLY successful and popular. If you don't like how they do it, go somewhere else.

Seriously? If I disagree with something, if I consider it harmful to society, I will say why I disagree with it and why I think it is harmful, which is exactly what the article and the OP are doing. I think it can be assumed that people with concerns like this will, as you say, go somewhere else. There's a subtle implication in your post, however, that people with such concerns should shut up about them.

Comment Re:"Free" with restrictions is not Free! (Score 2) 198

Why would getting a bootleg copy help with the licence agreement? The free version produces non-watermarked files so no-one can prove that any given video was produced with a free version or a bootleg version. If you're going to commit theft or copyright violation or whatever your legal system calls it, it doesn't really matter which route you take.

Comment Re:duh? (Score 1) 144

There was an old friend of Mohammed Emwazi ("Jyhadi John") saying that he was a really nice guy - sweet, gentle, intelligent, and everyone was horrified that anyone could say that of such a monster. Er, I'm sorry, but if that's what the guy actually thought about Emwazi at the time, then that's what he thought. You can't change that.

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