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Comment Re:stop the beta whining (Score 1, Informative) 299

in the meantime, please don't be the reason people stop posting and turn this into nothing but beta whining.

Speaking of stopping posting, it's time for US Slashdot users to start logging out. The boycott lasts from February 10 through February 17. Let's make it hurt. More specifically, let's make sure DICE hurts -- we're not really hurting /. because /. is US.

Comment Re:Proposal Response (Score 1) 19

I'm sure such a site could still sell enough advertising to break even and a little extra, as long as they sought out advertisers who understand who we are and want to reach exactly those people.

I'll just throw something out there as someone who works in the media business. I'm in editorial, mind you, so the money side of it is not my thing and I mostly pay no attention to it. But I have worked in offices with people whose job it was to get advertisers to spend money. And just based on the gossip I've heard around the water cooler, the general feeling among sales types is that Slashdot couldn't sell an ad to the Pope on Christmas, I'm sorry to say. The perception is that this community has massive value, but nobody knows how to extract that value. Certain aspects of this community -- most likely, love of free software, liberal opinions when it comes to things like the Pirate Bay and BitTorrent, general cynicism and hatred of corporate messaging, if I had to guess -- make it poison to advertisers. Everybody wants this market, but nobody wants to market to this market if there's a strong chance that it will actually backfire and make them look worse.

So that's the position Dice is in. I'm not saying this to condone how they've handled /. since they acquired it. I've already made my opinions on that clear. I'm just saying it to give you guys some impression of where we are and why.

Comment Distributed storage for families (Score -1, Flamebait) 168

When you're talking about consumer storage for families, you need three things: reliable, easy to use, and web-based.

That said, it seems to me what you're looking for is SLASHDOT BETA. It has been designed with ease of use in mind, in fact, a complete idiot could poke around at its big images all day and have a great time, and all the whitespace means you'll never get lost, even if you have a major stroke while using it. It's reliable, because unlike the old Slashdot its daily traffic is almost zero, so you'll never have to worry about slowdowns. And it's web-based, because unlike the old Slashdot it uses lots of HTML5 and JavaScript, so that's how you know it's the web, real modern-like.

On the other hand, if you'd prefer to BOYCOTT SLASHDOT, that starts on Monday, February 10. Make sure you logout on Sunday, so that even if you want to check in to see whether Dice has got the message, Slashdot gets NO TRAFFIC from registered users.

And for all you quislings posting about "whining ACs," my real name is Neil McAllister and I am one of the first 5,000 people to register on Slashdot, which means I have been here for almost 20 years. I am fully in support of the anti-beta effort and I am willing to burn all of my karma to bring you this message.

Comment Re: Are you not entertained! (Score 0) 100

Hell, might as well use the opportunity to shill my own stuff (seems like that's what /. is for these days, anyway)...

I was one of the first 5,000 /. users, and like most of you, I too am fed up with all the shenanigans since Dice took over.

That said, I'd like to personally invite the whole, babbling mess of you to come on over to The Register at

We're different. We're a little weird. We like to write headlines that pass people off. A lot of the site is pitched from a UK perspective, which means Americans sometimes don't get it, but we actually have an international staff with offices in Australia and San Francisco (where I work).

And even if the headlines sometimes get a little out there, the reporting is actually mostly pretty straight -- although we don't mind calling bullshit when it's warranted. Anyway, at least we DO reporting, unlike /., which just slaps a misleading summary on someone else's stuff. And several of our people have actual tech background (though others are just reporters).

What's more, compared to any other tech site I've ever worked for, we actually do have a lot of really articulate, whip-smart commenters on our stories. I think you would like some of what you read there. We have some trolls and dimwits, too, but that's par for the course.

Fair warning: our comments ARE moderated by our editors. That's probably never going to change, owing in part to the truly ludicrous UK libel laws, where we can be held responsible for the contents of your comments if we "publish" them. But most of what we pull are just pointless personal attacks and spam.

And as a bonus for /.ers, our site design is about as ugly as the old /., so there's that.

Come check us out. We might be kind of an acquired taste but once you acquire it you might be hooked.

Comment Re:How do we get more women involved in tech? (Score 4, Insightful) 545

Probably because it's unhealthy for tech to exclude 52% of the population based on gender.

But that wasn't the proposition. The proposition was how to "get more women interested in open source." If you're talking about excluding women, then fine, if that's actually happening then that's something worth talking about. We shouldn't be excluding people. But why is it necessary to "get people interested"? If they're not interested, then fine, let 'em pursue other interests. It's a big world with lots of options.

Comment Re:jscript (Score 1) 505

To clarify your last statement a bit, TypeScript is designed as a superset of JavaScript. All valid JavaScript is valid TypeScript. All you have to convert your project is say "my project is in TypeScript now," and you can then start adding TypeScript features to your code -- or not -- as you see fit. That's as opposed to Dart, which really is a different language with a different syntax and you have to start over.

Comment Re:jscript (Score 1) 505

The point of C is that it's fast as hell and gives you almost complete control.

No, assembly language is fast as hell and gives you complete control. The point of C is that it gives you almost as much control but makes it easier to build and maintain large systems without you being some kind of semirobotic idiot savant. In other words, C IS a "dumbed down" language, just like some of the other ones people are complaining about.

Comment Re:Replusive (Score 1) 505

The best approach, therefore, is to build a compiler back-end that targets *both* ASM.js *and* (P)NaCl.

Or just compile your code twice, using two different back ends? I don't see much wisdom in building a compiler that tries to do two things at once.

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