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Comment Re:Are you sure? (Score 1) 863

NO! I don't see why this is so hard to get. ASCII is a one to one mapping with human language. "Binary" logs (i.e., logs with an encoding other than 7 bit ASCII since we're going to be SUPER pedantic here apparently) are not. Especially if they are compressed or the encoding is complicated in other ways. When stuff gets corrupted the best filter for that corruption is the human brain. But that assumes the brain can parse the encoding. I can parse the English alphabet (and the Spanish one on a good day).

What do you think will happen if I want journald to parse, say, "ap#@1e2: p@#$ission denied"? Is that going to correctly end up with "apache2: permission denied"? I doubt it. But I probably will. Especially if I already know that I'm having issues with Apache. And if you don't like that example, I'm sure I can come up with a lot more.

Comment Re:How about we hackers? (Score 1) 863

The implication isn't that SysV init is problem free. The implication is that SysV init is *debuggable*. A 900+ edge directed graph that controls my system startup is *not* debuggable. Especially when some of the nodes and edges are created implicitly (if you're wondering what I'm talking about, ask systemd to produce a dot formatted graph of the startup process. Just don't ask it to do that in a chroot environment because it won't, but that's a different rant). Oh - and it seems to ignore some of the dependencies (edges in the graph) but not others.

Comment Re:How about we hackers? (Score 1) 863

Because 85% (a number I just made up) of the point of log files is to *figure stuff out when things go wrong*. When things go wrong, binary logs sometimes end up corrupted (witness all of my journald logs from last week - no, I don't know why yet). I am a *LOT* better at sifting through a corrupt text log than a computer is at sifting through a corrupt binary log. Journald just says "your log is corrupt" and I lose. I've noticed that even "strings" doesn't get text out of a (non-corrupt) journald log (at least not all the logs, maybe some of them?). Now please give me *one* advantage of binary logs over properly formatted text logs. The reason syslog is so hard to parse is that it splits lines stupidly. There's no (modern) reason for that. So when I say "properly formatted", I definitely don't mean syslog as is. Think syslog with lines of any length.

Comment Re:Retro computers as DIY kits? (Score 2) 81

Err... Western Design Center sells them. Mouser claims to have a few hundred 65c02's in stock in a variety of form factors (PLC-44, QFP-44, and DIP-40) as well as 65816's. The 65816 is compatible enough that if you clocked it at 1MHz, you'd almost certainly end up with a 100% compatible design (though if I remember back to my Apple IIgs days correctly, there are a few minor incompatibilities, even when running the 65816 in 8 bit mode).

Comment Re:That's all we need ... (Score 5, Insightful) 555

Yeah: Inability to debug what is wrong with the init system when you aren't doing exactly the use case that "normal" people use. I have a number of problems with it, but here's one:
I've been trying for the last two weeks to end up in a place where my root filesystem was served up by NFS and /var was on a local partition. I had that working under OpenSuSE and need to switch (for unrelated reasons) to Fedora. First, my filesystem didn't get mounted read/write. Easy fix, once you know what's wrong except that journald swallowed all the output (even though I turned on journal+console) and I had no log because of the read only filesystem. The only indication of what was ewrong was systemd saying journald had timed out. On a hunch (after seeing posts on the Arch Linux boards) I added "rw" to the kernel command line and finally got a login prompt. Now, I can't get the /var filesystem to mount before dbus starts because udev depends on dbus and the mount is a systemd special that depends on the device being present which it is, but it requires udev and dbus just to check to be sure. I've also got some weird issue with dependencies not being satisfied so the console getty never starts (on a serial console - the correct unit file seems to be there), but I'm ignoring that since I have network access. Oh, and the system won't shut down cleanly because it shuts down the network before unmounting the root filesystem which is mounted over NFS. But again, I don't even care about that anymore - I just hard reset it with the BMC. I'm sure you'll tell me that I'm a moron and have the thing horrible misconfigured. I *do* have it horribly misconfigured. What I'd like to know is how to *fix* it and systemd is getting in the way of that.

In SysV init, I would've seen stuff whining about permission denied errors on the console (instead of all the output being eaten, despite turning on debug mode and journal+console mode) and realized I probably didn't have the filesystem mounted right. For the /var stuff, I'd just put it in /etc/fstab and be done. On the off chance that that was not early enough in boot, I'd add a shell script (or hack it into the earliest script) to do the mount. With systemd, I've tried creating unit files several different ways. Telling them they have to run before the stuff that is breaking. No dice. I have no idea why. I thought "ok, I'll just test-run this in a chroot environment". Nope. Systemd won't run there, even to just tell you what it *would* do. In the end, I've wasted weeks on this, learned little about systemd (despite trying - it's the future whether I like it or not. And I don't), and if I ever get it working, systemd won't have gotten me *anything* that I didn't have before. I'd *vastly* prefer an architecture where normal /etc/init handled

I don't think that the former poster is complaining that the source trees happen to be managed the same way. He's complaining that dependencies are being created between different pieces of software that don't need it. If systemd were set up to where there was a standard /sbin/init and SysV (or similar) init scripts and in a desktop Linux, there was only one script: start systemd, I'd be happy. I suspect most other sysadmin/developer people who hate systemd would be happy. I don't care if it exists, and I don't even care if it exists by default. What I *want* is to easily get rid of it when it's not appropriate for the task I am trying to accomplish and there isn't currently a way of doing that because systemd, journald, dbus, and udev are all tied into one big knot.


South Korean ID System To Be Rebuilt From Scratch After Massive Leaks 59

AmiMoJo writes: South Korea's national identity card system may need a complete overhaul following huge data thefts dating back to 2004. The government is considering issuing new ID numbers to every citizen over age 17, costing billions of dollars. The ID numbers and personal details of an estimated 80% of the country's 50 million people have been stolen from banks and other targets. Some 20 million people, including President Park Geun-hye, have been victims of a data theft. Citizens are unable to change their credentials, which are used in many different sectors, making them an attractive target for hackers.

Comment Space Loonies (Score 1, Informative) 219

Manned space flight was a government program that has been determined to be
too expensive and too limited in returns to be continued at its former funding
levels. We have serious problems now that we didn't have then, and few people
believe that throwing hundreds of billions of dollars into space will solve
them. Grown-up people who have to make hard and realistic decisions about our
public funds and resources have decided this. NASA and Tom Swift-space buffs
can't accept it. Sorry, guys, but it's time to get real.

      Sure, politicians will continue announce great new projects like manned Mars
missions. But then they will quietly de-fund them to nearly nothing a year
later. They don't have any choice. Money that would have been spent on these
projects has already been spent; and it's gone. Get used to it because it is the
way that things will be from now on.
    The permanent, endless war and 100 million obese, stupid Baby-Boomers are all
that we got for it this massive misallocation of resources. It's all that we're
going to get. This is the great tragedy that is America and what it could have
been, but isn't and now never will be.

    People born into 20th-century America are prone to economic fantasy because
they have lived their whole lives inside one. What they don't realize is that
their country and their government is broke. There is no trillion dollars for
space exploration. There is no trillion dollars for anything left anywhere in
the USA.

    Money is not a physical good. Money is basically created out of nothing. If
this conjured money doesn't in turn create real wealth, it disappears back to
nothing by means of inflation. Space exploration does not create wealth by
itself. It is a combination of heavily-subsidized unfocused research and
technological stunts done for national prestige. NASA engineers never
understand this. They don't study economics, and they don't understand

    There won't be hundreds of billions of dollars spent on space in the coming
years because there was already a trillion dollars spent on a Iraq-Afghanistan
war that accomplished nothing. There was a trillion dollars spent on
maintaining the fantasy that some Wall Street banks and investment firms are too
big to fail. There was a trillion dollars spent giving $600,000 mortgages to
janitors. There were many trillions of dollars spent on federal government
budget deficits.

    All these trillion-dollar misadventures didn't create any wealth. And
therefore, the money disappeared. America was rich in the past, now it's not.
There were great sums of money in the past for funding giant government
projects, but there aren't going to be any giant projects in the future. The
trillions of dollars that space enthusiasts believe could and should be spent on
the glorious future in space and its endless possibilities for the betterment of
humanity don't exist anymore.

      Space-cadets love to talk about the need to venture beyond the moon in order
to save humanity from a soon-to-be dying Earth. But this is not science
talking, it's a personality disorder. These guys assume that because their
scientific prowess has created tools and techniques that can destroy the Earth,
then they have a right, and even an obligation, to do so. They confuse rockets
with penises and hydrogen bombs with testicles.

      These guys are not clear-eyed, sober engineers; they are death-worshiping
fascists. They are transparently insane, and you shouldn't pay serious attention
to them. They are left-over 'Dr. Strangelove' techno-psychopaths from mid-20th
century. They're pissed because 'little-minded people' wouldn't let them burn
the Earth and rule the ashes. Fortunately, their time has gone and they don't
have the political power that they did fifty years ago.

    We live in a different age now. This is the era of limits. Understand this
and we will prosper in new and unexpected ways. Learn to differenciate fact
from fantasy and leave the fantasies to the Hollywood movie-makers. Space
Exploration is a 20th-century quasi-religion that has begun to manifest itself
as a mental disease among those people who continue to believe it too strongly.
Don't let that happen to you.

Comment Better password (Score 1) 549

I suggest that you use the initials of all the people that you had crushes on when you were in middle school. You won't forget them, and brute-force cracking software is unlikely to detect your password.

  For example, if you had crushes on Carly, Janis, Gina, Wanda, Jane, Janet, Joan, Julie, Sally, Cindy, Alice, and Farah, then your general password would be: cjgwjjjjscaf. Which is a wonderful password. [You can't help it: you're a hopeless romantic.]

Unfortunately, nitwit system admins are requiring people use passwords with numbers and "special characters".
Which brings us to the number one rule of passwords: Always Let The User Pick Their Own Password!
Rule number two: Never force anyone to change their password if they don't want to!

If you are serious about having unbreakable passwords, then forget all this number and special character nonsense and allow backspace to be a character in the password that your user chooses.

One more thing. If you're not guarding hydrogen bombs, then you don't really need hydrogen-bomb-level password security. You don't minimum 10 unique_characters_plus_numbers_and_special_character passwords for your kitten video website.

Comment Primal difference between Man and Woman (Score 1) 342

There is a primal difference between men and women that is applicable to software engineering.
Software writing is basically the manipulation of symbols to change the operation of physical machinery. This definition can be extended to mean that software creates functional machinery through the manipulation of symbols (text typed on editors that is compiled into machine-controlling patterns of 1s and 0s).

Men get a primal Promethean thrill and ego boost from creating machines from symbols.

Women get the same thrill and primal sense-of-purpose from creating new living human beings (i.e. babies), instead of machinery.

This, I believe, is the subliminal reason that so few women go into the software development field.

Comment a solution in search of a problem (Score 1) 75

Until such time that the tech community of the world can and will effectively deal with (i.e. either convince to stop misbehaving or just kill 'em) all the brilliant psychopathic programmers in their mist that create malware and viruses that defraud millions of people, then it is plain madness and criminal negligence to encourage people to entrust their data to some unknown and unmonitored external entity such as the 'cloud'.

Until that time, safe and productive cloud computing is just a fantasy. It's a solution in search of problem. Avoid it.

Comment Re:ASIC is the real innovation (Score 1) 195

The ability to quickly design and produce an ASIC is hardly new or innovative here. ASICs are one of the few pieces of computing that you can get done faster if you just throw more people at the problem. Plus, I have a strong suspicion that most Bitcoin mining ASICs are Gate Array ASICs (http://www.fujitsu.com/emea/services/microelectronics/asic/asic/techprod/gatearray/) which, if my understanding of them is correct, use a bunch of standard layers and interconnect them with a few custom layers. That reduces the number of masks needed as well as reducing NRE charges and minimum quantities. Essentially, it's an FPGA where the interconnection is hard wired.

Now as to your prediction that multipurpose CPUs may go away (or become a small piece of a computer), that may turn out to be true. Special purpose ASICs to solve specific problems in high performance computing have been proposed many times, though to my knowledge, not actually built. At some point, though, someone will build one. Especially as the feature sizes stop getting smaller, going to custom logic to solve problems will be the next logical way to speed things up. However, the current generation of Bitcoin mining isn't going to be contributing anything to it.

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