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Comment Re:Legally questionable scenarios? (Score 1) 230

They fired me three days after reporting this flaw, calling me a security risk.

This is a lesson I learned early on--fortunately not at the cost of a job: don't make the people responsible for security look incompetent or they will label you a "hacker" (in the pejorative sense) and do everything in their power to harm your career. If security is not one of your job responsibilities, keep things like that to yourself.

Comment Re:drug testing? (Score 1) 212

I don't use illegal drugs, but would have to have emptied my last can of beans before accepting a job that required a drug test that didn't involve a TS codeword security clearance or was truly a physical safety critical position (e.g. commercial pilot). This is on principle, not because I don't want my employer to know about a weekend crack habit.

Comment Re:theoretical fixes (Score 1) 477

In only a generation or two we could be right back to fuedalism !

No, it's a self-balancing stable system. The more tax breaks and subsidies you give yourself, the smaller your vote. Do remember that the poor will naturally outnumber the rich to a great degree, and that the reverse is impossible. Giving a bit more power to the productive (less stupid) people would lead to political debate being a bit more intellectual.

Our current system is unstable. Welfare slowly increases over time because the poor are able to vote for it. They destroy their own jobs (their global competitiveness) via all sorts of goodies that raise the cost of employing them.

Comment Re:Illusion (Score 1) 477

China's desire to control its exchange rate isn't just advantageous for them, its good for us (those of us in westernized countries) too. If it wasn't for their exchange rate, we wouldn't be able to buy all the cheap products we have today. Flat screen monitors, computers, hell even little dinky plastic parts would be much more expensive. As much as we may not like our money flowing into the east, I highly doubt anyone here would be willing to give up the lifestyle that cheap Chinese products has provided us.

Comment Re:Proof of god's non-existence (Score 1) 845

Why, then, do these religious nutcases claim that it is a criminal act to claim the aformentioned?

the NEED TO KNOW, in primitive man (ie, most of us) is stronger than the will to FIND OUT the truth.

its a very rare person that can see a traffic jam up ahead, has been in them enough times AND can choose to not sit for hours in one, when one has a chance.

I've examined all the possible angles of god vs non-god and the non-god answers always seem more rational and less like 'magic'.

speaking of magic, why do religious people believe in sky wizards but usually don't believe in magic? same basic concepts here, why the diff?

Comment Re:declining oil production (Score 1) 710

hardly. learning to fly an airplane is trivial compared to becoming leader of a nation. going through any process as straightforward as that only requires enough brains to learn the material and pass the tests.

leading a nation takes much more than the ability to jump through a few hoops to pass a test.

as another poster pointed out, Kamikaze tactics among pilots was commonplace in WWII. Kamikaze countries, however, are not, have never been, and never will be.

Comment Re:Not really. (Score 1) 568

Good points, depends largely what you mean by liberal though. Catholics are traditionally conservative from what I have noticed in trends, eg gallup polls and whatnot. Conservative in the tendency to vote for traditional aspects of culture. I am LCMS though so we are all about putting those conservative Catholics in their place :)

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