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Comment Re:They worry too much (Score 1) 406

"Really? They think people will be too interested playing Fruit Loop, or whatever it's called, to bother attempting to escape from an flaming aircraft?"
Yes really. In 1980 in Las Vegas, Nevada, people were to interested in playing the slot machine in front of them to bother escaping from the MGM fire. Quite a few of them died.

Comment Re:But if Democracy comes to China... (Score 1) 44

I like to think it's more "tongue-in-cheek sarcasm" than a troll. The google charts you point to indicate that Chinese workers income is rising. But it's still a fraction of what workers in the U.S. make at current exchange rates. Sarcasm-off, I'd actually like to see both democracy in China AND living standards for working people everywhere rising. My post was to poke fun at those who see the rising call for democracy as a threat to capitalism-as we-know-it.

Comment But if Democracy comes to China... (Score 2) 44

My portfolio started taking a beating when these democracy agitators started causing trouble in Hong Kong. If Beijing doesn't do something to stamp this out, it could eventually lead to democratic rule in China. Labor activist will start demanding western style salaries and living standards and voting and such. Something really needs to be done about this so as to avoid labor costs getting out of control.

Comment Re:Philosophy of Science (Score 5, Insightful) 795

That's exactly why I suggest that teaching about creationism IS appropriate for a science class. If I were a biology teacher (and my approach were permissible), when the subject of creationism inevitably came up in the class, rather than dismiss it with the arrogant assertion that "this is a science class, we'll not discuss your religion here", I would, instead, follow up with a discussion of Popper's criteria. Then I might request a short essay discussing how well evolutionary theory or creationism met the criteria for a scientific hypothesis.
That, in my opinion, is part of teaching science.

Comment Re:Urgh (Score 1) 531

Mostly the propaganda comes from the private sector rather than our government. For example, health insurance companies have Americans (or at least the stupid ones) convinced that a national health care system, or single-payer will result in substandard care and long waiting lines. My friends in Canada think we're chumps.

Comment Re:Use FreeBSD? (Score 1) 430

The FreeBSD Handbook and forums are awesome. I use FreeBSD on my laptop, but also have Arch Linux running in a VM. Arch Linux is also incredibly well documented. On the Linux side of things, the fragmentation means that what you learn for one distro may not apply well to another. To the OP I'd advise, just focus on the documentation that applies to the distro that you're running. If it's not good or it's out of date, then choose a different distro.

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