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Submission + - Patent Absurdity - The movie (

Taco Cowboy writes: Patent Absurdity explores the case of software patents and the history of judicial activism that led to their rise, and the harm being done to software developers and the wider economy.

The movie is based on a series of interviews conducted during the Supreme Court's review of in re Bilski ââ a case that could have profound implications for the patenting of software. The Court's decision is due soon,

You can watch the movie online or download it, or both, @

You can even make your own comment(s) to the producer of the movie as well, @


Submission + - Operation Banner - British MoD Reminisce Northern (

Rapide writes: Here's a recently unearthed document outlining the British military view of its own role, function, successes and failures from 1969 to 2006 in Northern Ireland. The document, Operation Banner — An Analysis of Military Operations in Northern Ireland ( pdf), offers insight into the thinking of senior military officers and civil servants at the Ministry of Defence in Whitehall. The level of detail re operational matters proves that this wasn't intended to reach the hoi polloi.

Submission + - The Key to Gay acceptance (

Trey Cruz writes: "I think Abercrombie may also be bisexual. They don 't know whether to stick with pretty girls, or have guys frolicking around naked together at the beach...Nonetheless their homoerotic content is what primarily lead to their sucess in the fashion industry. Advertisers everywhere will tell you that today, homosexuals are highly marketable."

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