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Comment Why does he fear Sweden will send him to US? (Score 2) 530

"Assange fears that an extradition to Sweden would make it easier for Washington to extradite him to the US on possible charges relating to the release by WikiLeaks of leaked US embassy cables."

I never got that. He's in England and he's from Australia. Surely these are the 2 biggest allies of the US.

Comment Re:Limited Options (Score -1) 425

You are *so* wrong. Approximately 30% of all *venues* have exclusivity contracts with TicketMaster that state that **100%** of their ticket sales must go through TicketMaster. And the labels? MANY of them have exclusivity contracts w/ TM as well. It's a frigign monopoly through and through, and now that TicketMaster owns the largest 2ndary market seller, TicketsNow, it's way worse.


Submission + - iPad Apps Hit the iTunes Store ( writes: So, here they are. We’ve already seen them a couple times, still images along with it, but Apple has gone ahead and released the floodgates. That’s right, if you were looking to catch a glimpse of what’s to come for the iPad in the applications front, you can go ahead and head into the iTunes Store, and knock yourself out.

Submission + - Stalker Jailed For Planting Child Porn On A PC (

An anonymous reader writes: An elaborate scheme to get the husband of a co-worker he was obsessed with locked up in jail, backfired on Ilkka Karttunen, a 48-year from Essex. His plan was to get the husband arrested so that he could have a go at a relationship with the woman, and to do this he broke into the couple's home while they were sleeping, used their family computer to download child pornography and then removed the hard drive and mailed it anonymously to the police, along with a note that identified the owner.

Plasma Jets Could Replace Dental Drills 131

Hugh Pickens writes "The first electric dental drill was patented in 1875; modern drills grind the diseased portions of teeth away at up to 500,000 rpm. But dentists have been seeking less invasive ways of wiping out stubborn, tooth-decaying bacteria. Now Live Science reports that bacteria-killing jets of plasma could soon replace the drills used to treat cavities in our teeth. Researchers recently demonstrated that a small, blowtorch-like device emitting a relatively cool beam of purple plasma could eliminate oral bacteria in cavities, leaving more tooth structure intact than a drill does. To test how well 'cold' plasma jets (about 100F or 38C) sterilize tooth material, researchers took slices of dentin from extracted human molars, doused them with bacteria, and torched them with the plasma jet. An inspection via a scanning electron microscope of the damage done to the germs shows bacterial remnants had holes in their cell walls. When the plasma jet fires, it charges oxygen in the surrounding air, creating highly reactive molecules that can break down the bacteria's defenses. Researchers believe the technique could be available to general dentistry in three to five years."

IDEs With VIM Text Editing Capability? 193

An anonymous reader writes "I am currently looking to move from text editing with vim to a full fledged IDE with gdb integration, integrated command line, etc. Extending VIM with these capabilities is a mortal sin, so I am looking for a linux based GUI IDE. I do not want to give up the efficient text editing capabilities of VIM though. How do I have my cake and eat it too?"

Comment Re:Not a solution. (Score 1, Insightful) 153

The proper way to resolve this, is to repel the DMCA

I'm repelled by that DMCA! (loved that typoo;)

But how are we to repeal it when Congress is owned lock, stock, and barrel by the corporatti? This is a plutocracy. You can only get laws passed or repealed by bribing politicians here.

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