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Journal Journal: Crack the New Karma System 7

Everyone post what their Karma points were and what their Title is now.. I will calculate after enoungh People post.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Love advice Part 2

Your question is too general to give a reliable answer. Tell us more about you, and her. What attracted you both initially?

Well we have(were) together for 3 and a half years.Shes a school teacher and we both still believe we will spend the rest of our lives together. But i got comfortable i realize it was my fault i stopped going out and doing the things she wanted to do(Go clubbing and dancing). I F'ed up royally on my part. She said she needed a month to figure things out and after that she said that we should take one of my suggestions and do a communications blackout for 6 months knowing full and well that if she wanted to come back in that six months it was ok. Its been a week of hell. So do i go and be that guy she wanted me to be. Im afraid that no matter how much we care about each other that she meet some guy that will sweep her off her feet and she will forget about me. This was her first relationship BTW, I was her first Kis etc. Im 22 shes 24 and she wants to kinda play the field i guess. Ive been in relationships with other ppl and had sex with other ppl (b4 her). Do i need to accept that she needs to sow her oats or can i some how win her back?

Hows that fo some more info
User Journal

Journal Journal: Love Advice 1

As you guys can probably tell from my pas journal entrys i broke up with my longtime girlfirend. She ended it with the possiblity of getting back. Right now we are on a complete comunications black out. Im wondering we have the sam friends and such. I feel like i should act sad depressed and miss her, but is that how i should act if i want her back? Should i go out to clubs and get dressed up will the new and exciting me(which i want to do for myself anyway) get her back? Im just wondering if any of you guys have any ideas for me. Is the sensitive i miss you the route or is it the im moving on and going to have a good time?
User Journal

Journal Journal: Anonymous Cowards 1

I went to the doc and got some meds life is slightly better. And I appreciate all the feedback I get. It amazes me though how ppl will spend time to actually troll around in journals. And to post as an AC WTF? If you had some balls you would Reg a nick and use that but as the name says AC. When when these ACs finally make it to Junior High maybe they will pick up drinking or smoking and find something better to do with thier time.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Wow 1

Suck it up man, grow a spine even. So you got dumped and you suffer a mental illness. Stop wearing your frailties like a boy scout badge of merit. Stop trolling for sympathy by playing the "woe is me game" and take some pride in yourself.

Amazing within 10 minutes of writing my damn journal entry I had 3 posts. And to reply to the comment above. Im sorry did i offend you? WTF No where did i ask anyone for sympathy. Shit life sucks and it gets better and eventually it will.
But for the time being it looks like its only going to get worse. Oh and yes i appreciate all comments if find them very amusing. I have been though some rough shit im my life and someone from SlashDot Flaming my journal well ah not on the top of my lists of worst time in my life.
Flame on my fellow men if my misfortune makes you happy, all the best to you
User Journal

Journal Journal: My jornoul 7

Well since this is so convient i decieded to write in this Journal. My life Sucks as i know it tahts whats going on with me. You know 3 and a half years with someone is a long time. I know im still young (22) but all of my young adult life was spent with her. How the fuk am i to Last witout her. Not to mention im bi polar, which seems to be rearing its ugly head now. She was my support system. And all of my friends are not single.

If life sucks and you know it clap your hands!

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