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What Drugs Do Astronauts Take? 132

astroengine writes "Science fiction is stuffed full of examples of pill-popping space explorers and aliens enjoying psychedelic highs. After all, space is big; it can get boring/scary/crazy up there. It's little wonder, then, that our current space explorers consume a cocktail of uppers, downers, tranquilizers and alcohol to get the job done. Robert Lamb on tranquilizers in the space station: 'Sure, it hardly makes for a civilized evening aboard ISS, but it beats someone blowing the hatch because they think they saw something crawling on one of the solar panels.'"

New Aliens Vs. Predator Game Doesn't Make It Past AU Ratings Board 277

An anonymous reader writes "Australia refused to give Rebellion's new Aliens Vs. Predator game a rating, effectively banning it in the country. Rebellion says it won't be submitting an edited version for another round of classifications, however. (As Valve did with Left 4 Dead 2.) They said, 'We will not be releasing a sanitized or cut down version for territories where adults are not considered by their governments to be able to make their own entertainment choices.'"

Comment For those with a disability. (Score 2, Interesting) 154

I have a son with cerebral palsy (spastic quadriplegia). It's incredibly hard for him to play games even with the uber sized trackball I got him ( I'd love someone to make this work as there's nothing wrong with his mind it would seem - the signals for movement just don't get to his limbs properly.

Anyone with a physical impairment that prevents them from using standard input device technology would love something like this. Assuming it works at all... here's hoping.

Journal Journal: RIAA tells YouTube to remove free guitar lessons 341

Is it so wrong to learn how to play the guitar? According to RIAA: Yes. According to NPR, a record company ordered YouTube to remove videos of a man who offered to show people how to play the guitar because the songs he was teaching violated copyright infringement rules. How could this constitute as infringement if most musicians usually experiement to find something that sounds familiar? I've never had a guitar less
User Journal

Journal Journal: My daughter

The little one has been potty trained since around last October when she told her mom "No more diapers!" (training pants). She just turned three in January. She still calls everything 'poopoo' no matter what she has to go to the bathroom for, so we just learned to ask her when she is done and do the appopriate clean up if any.


Journal Journal: Fight Iranian gender-apartheid with one million signatures

Iranian women's rights activists are fighting gender apartheid through the "One Million Signatures" campaign, which demands an end to discriminatory laws against women. At present, men have the sole right to divorce and except in special cases, the right to custody of children. One man's testimony equals that of two women. A man's worth is twice that of a woman in cases of murder or bodily injury. A daughter receives half a son's inheritance. And certain positions, such as that of a judge, are c

Journal Journal: Microsoft's Real Plan?

What's Microsoft's real plan? With the advent of .Net, the Microsoft/Novell deal, the splitting of Microsoft into three major groups internally, and the impossibility of Windows being developed the same way that Vista was for the the generation of Windows it becomes quite possible that Windows as we know it - with an NT Kernel and all - is no longer the future of Windows. Just how might Microsoft surive? Check out my full blog describing
User Journal

Journal Journal: Fear & Truth 17

I need to just put down the bare truth.

I've talked before about how my life changed, the epiphanies that I went through that, among other things, started me in posting here on the dot. These epiphanies were the start of the end of my relationship - but I never ever could say why. We would get in fights and he would ask what was wrong, and all I could say was, "I don't know". And I really didn't. I just knew I was miserable, and I clung to my online world like a lifeline.

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Disclaimer: "These opinions are my own, though for a small fee they be yours too." -- Dave Haynie
