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Comment Wouldn't edibles have the same effect (Score 3, Insightful) 217

If pot becomes legal in all states, I hope there are warnings on the marijana cigarettes like there are on tobacco cigarettes.

Is that as likely to cause cancer? It does seem like smoking anything is a bad idea, but perhaps tobacco has something that makes it more likely to develop issues...

However there's also another way to get MJ into your system, edibles. If you were using it for medical purposes a medicinal brownie seems like a more appealing application than does smoking...

Comment Re:They could start by not using civilians as shie (Score 1) 369

The Palestinian demands are to end the blockade and recognize them as a state.

No, the demands of Hamas (who runs Palestine now) are that every Jew be killed (it's in the written charter, that is not hyperbole). They include the right to keep all arms, including rockets, so they can continue to fire them at Israel.

Also in the demands are that Israel not be recognized as a star (they do not currently). If it's reasonable to recognize someone else as a state, then Hamas not doing so with Israel is obviously unreasonable - by your own definition.

It's just a shame that people like you do not actually look deeper to see what is going on. In now way is allowing Hamas to gather far more arms to attack Israel reasonable. That is the only thing that lifting the blockade would cause to occur. Food and medicine and other relief is already allowed to enter the country freely.

Comment Re:Amazon riding rough over industry? One recourse (Score 1) 113

Which is why you are posting a response as AC so I won't notice and hurt you anymore... riiiiiiight.

Glad you realize when you have met your better - at least you've learned to retreat well. Next time make an argument that doesn't suck.

Hint: Multi-platform does not mean Amazon is competing against itself... what a tool.

I'll let you have the last response as idiots will go on without end or purpose.

Comment Re:NOT LULZ - LIES ! (Score 1) 848

I have yet to hear George Bush, Dick Cheney, Colin Powell or George Tenet weigh in on the Russia/Ukraine conflict. Or did you mean someone else?


Because Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande are not exactly the first people I think of when I hear the term "neo-con."

C'mon. Victoria Neuland, dummy. Appointed under Hillary. You don't think of Hillary as a "neo-con" - but there she is! Appointing the Wife of Robert Kagan and former foreign policy advisor of... Dick Cheney! To the role of Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs.

Or you don't remember her little phone call? "Fuck the EU!"

Neo-con rim job. You don't see it, because the distortion field that Cheney described is in full-effect. You believe that an evil, Russian potentate wants to slowly steal your freedoms - not that a gang of pirates took over the former Russian state of Ukraine - using actual NAZIS to do it.

The aide said that guys like me were "in what we call the reality-based community," which he defined as people who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality." ... "That's not the way the world really works anymore," he continued. "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actorsand you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.

The original capital of the Rus, in the foundation of the state around 100 AD, was Kiev. No entity "Ukraine" existed. I figure even IF the Russians were agressive, they have a better claim on that land than the so-called Hebrews do on Palestine.

Comment Impossible to rebel when brainwashed (Score 3, Insightful) 369

You have no idea how deep the conditioning goes. In Palestine children's programming is (no joke) broadcasting cartoons showing that jews should be killed and you get a nice reward in heaven for killing yourself in the pursuit of killing said jews.

The kids are also building the tunnels used to eventually kill jews.

With enough brainwashing, how are they to rebel? And if one child does break free, they will simply be executed.

You are applying your own western way of thinking to the problem where children have any value at all. In the middle east for religious fanatics they are just tools of war and treated as such.

Comment They could start by not using civilians as shields (Score 4, Insightful) 369

If you're launching a rocket, exactly how do you "hide behind a civilian'? Seriously, how do you do that?

Not launch missiles from (or store them in) a school or hospital? No other countries military does that.

Or, not launch missiles right next to the hotel where journalists are staying? I don't recall reporters electing Hamas.

You are obviously a propaganda stooge for Hamas. How anyone could live with themselves otherwise backing a group that kills children to build tunnels and fires random rockets at peaceful populations is beyond me. What's an 11-year old going to do with all those virgins anyway?

Comment Re:Amazon riding rough over industry? One recourse (Score 0, Troll) 113

Hey retard, are you making a career of utterly missing a point or what? Yes the kindle is on multiple platforms, DUH DUH DUH.

What that does not help you with at all is that time ten years hence when no competition remains even on niche platforms, and Amazon decides the price should really be 10 what you are paying now...

Good luck with your plan of reenforcing a dangerous monopoly!

Comment Merkel Indicates German Wish for Federal Ukraine (Score 1) 848

This also from an interview Merkel gave to public German TV yesterday:

A solution must be found to the Ukraine crisis that does not hurt Russia and which the Ukrainian people must choose for themselves, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Sunday.
  "There must be dialogue. There can only be a political solution. There won't be a military solution to this conflict," she said.
  On Saturday, her vice chancellor Sigmar Gabriel had suggested that establishing a federal Ukraine was the only viable solution to the crisis pitting Kiev against pro-Russian separatists.

Merkel said that if Ukraine opted to rejoin the Eurasian Union with Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia, then Europe would not make "a huge conflict" out of it.

Especially the last point is clearly a big step back from the earlier all out "Ukraine is EU" position.

Additionally to the economic side, pressure on Merkel also grows because there is more and more doubt, even in German mainstream media, about the veracity of the Ukrainian propaganda and about the destruction of flight MH17. Why is there is no news about it? Is there a coverup (in German)?

Comment Re:Except (Score 1) 18

You see what you want to see.

Just one point: Africa is in the aftermath of Colonial destruction and neon-colonial extraction. That has far more relevance than the practice of religion.

All people on earth are made of the same mixture of inclinations and inspirations. The mental proposition of a theology does little to change this, but provides one framework for justifying how desires are fulfilled.

God's grace arrives as a mystical occurrence, not the mental and emotional identification with theological proposition. "Morality" is how one behaves towards the creation, so that the opportunity to recognise the arrival of this grace is not clouded, or missed. Nobody can direct God, all are at the quality of absolute mercy. That is the root of real humility - the moral virtue from which all others are sustained.

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