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Comment Re: This is related (Score 1) 294

That's not insightful.

If you cannot isolate infectious virus or amplify its genetic material from someone's bodily fluids, they are not infectious.

Making assertions based on panic is not reasonable. Maybe if the nurse wasn't treated like a criminal leper on coming home, she wouldn't be lashing out and would stay home.

Comment Re: US Citizenship (Score 1) 190

Are you kidding be. Would be stupid to do that. The whole point is that many of not most H1B ers are working for less because they'd much rather be in this country. The threat of losing the visa it's what keeps them indentured servants. Just look at the biomedical research industry. No one will ever give them citizenship ebb masse... it would destroy the system by which having a PhD became about as profitable as being on welfare.

Comment Re:But, but, teh STEM talents!!! (Score 1, Insightful) 284

These poor 3rd-worlders have unique talents that could never be found locally, don'tcha know!?!?

You mean someone who spent 7 years getting a PhD being abused and working 6-7 day 80+ hour weeks, then working as a post-doc with no hope of ever being faculty, at 60+ hour weeks and being paid $40k or less until their retirement without any benefits?

It's a talent all right.

Comment Re:The metaphysics of evolution are a different st (Score 1) 669

I'm not sure that really gets to the heart of the matter, which is a metaphysical argument about origins.

But the question is "does it matter"?

This is obviously not news to Christians outside of the US. But this statement making the news in the US is a step in the right direction.

Comment Amateur hour (Score 5, Funny) 64

Whipping up a few lame PHP scripts, leaving all the logs, using real name, your own static IP and a personal Dropbox account?! Is that what cuts for a hacker these days? With a million dollar payoff? I am starting to think I am not optimizing my earnings potential :)

Comment Re:NSA probably already has this technology (Score 1) 120

You are making a fundamentally flawed assumption that the government cares about false positives. I think our no-fly lists, jails, and police militarization are a pretty good indicator that a low false positive rate does not figure into calculations as far as the NSA, TSA, DHS or other TLAs are concerned. A cynical man (or woman) may also wonder about whether true positive rate figures into their calculations at all as well, or whether a power grab is the sole purpose of these agenices.

Comment Re:Open Many Doors (Score 5, Insightful) 35

It is impossible to enforce the laws when you can catch all the violations

You're asking the wrong question - the correct question is this - how have we wound up in a situation where he have so many offenders, of so many laws, that there's not enough resources to lock them all up even if we knew every last one of them.
The answer is simple - if you create a job which comes with money and power, and where the job description is writing laws - you are going to have more laws. It's inevitable. And in a society where as a lawmaker you are rewarded for being "tough on crime", each subsequent law will be nitpickier and more punishing than the last.
That's it - our own system is going to bury us all in petty crime.
Freedom is the ability to break little rules. Rule of law is when you get caught when you break the big rules. A police state is when everyone is guilty, and it's up the police to decide who gets caught at what time.

As someone who was born behind the Iron Curtain, I promise you that the latter is very very scary.

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