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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 31 declined, 9 accepted (40 total, 22.50% accepted)


Submission + - Google engineer Blair-Goldensohn in freak accident (nydailynews.com)

wiggles writes: A "Google genius" (NY Post's words) was in a coma Wednesday night after a rotting branch snapped off a tree in Central Park and smashed him in the head. Sasha Blair-Goldensohn was walking to work through the park when a 100-pound limb came crashing from a massive pin oak tree near W. 63rd St. The 33-year-old computer engineer and father of two was taken to New York-Presbyterian Hospital Weill Cornell Medical Center after the 8 a.m. accident and was in intensive care. Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2009/07/30/2009-07-30_horror_in_park_fells_dad_of_2_100lb_limb_crashes_onto_google_engineer.html#ixzz0Mmj4MXOT
The Almighty Buck

Submission + - Midway Games Faces Possible De-Listing, Sale (chicagotribune.com) 1

wiggles writes: The Chicago-based video game publisher, which hasn't posted a quarterly profit since the end of 2004, reported another loss for the third quarter last week. Midway's stock closed at 29 cents Friday, having tanked 90 percent this year. The NYSE told the company it has six months to fix the problem or face delisting.

"How much value is left in essentially a few development studios, the 'Mortal Kombat' brand and a library of classic games?" asked Ed Woo, an analyst at Wedbush Morgan.

The Almighty Buck

Submission + - Activision-Blizzard merger finalized (kotaku.com)

wiggles writes: The merger was first announced in December of 2007. Through it, Blizzard and Sierra parent Vivendi becomes a wholly-owned subsidiary of Activision, scoring 295.3 new shares of Activision stock. It'll also buy 62.9 million new shares for a total of $1.7 billion — the result is that Vivendi owns a stake of about 52 percent in its new parent company.

Submission + - Nanotechnologists develop "Chemical Brain"

wiggles writes: According to the BBC: "A tiny chemical "brain" which could one day act as a remote control for swarms of nano-machines has been invented. The molecular device — just two billionths of a metre across — was able to control eight of the microscopic machines simultaneously in a test. "
XBox (Games)

Submission + - Bioshock goes gold

wiggles writes: Title says it all. From the press release: "2K, a publishing label of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. (NASDAQ: TTWO), announced today that BioShock(TM) has gone to gold master exclusively for the Xbox 360(TM) video game and entertainment system and Games For Windows"

Submission + - Does the internet need a major capacity upgrade?

wiggles writes: According to the Chicago Tribune, the recent surge of video sites such as youtube and Google video are pushing the limits of the internet's bandwidth, or soon will be. Pieter Poll, chief technology officer at Qwest Communications, says that traffic volumes are growing faster than computing power, meaning that engineers can no longer count on newer, faster computers to keep ahead of their capacity demands. Further, a recent report from Deloitte Consulting raised the possibility that 2007 would see Internet demand exceed capacity. Admittedly, this seems sensationalistic, but are we headed for a massive slowdown of the whole internet?

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