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Comment Re:Willing to bet.. (Score 1) 1706

A crowded, dark movie theater, during an action scene is pretty much the second worst place you could possibly attempt a defensive shooting. You would be fairly unable to accurately identify your target, to clear the space in front of and behind him, to take aim or to prevent yourself from getting shot or harmed by others, police included, during or after the event.

That's a great point. One that I would hope any defensive shooters would take into consideration. (I know that might be difficult in the heat of the moment.) Maybe they did take it into consideration. If I was in that environment, and I was still breathing when it was all over, and I found out there were folks who CHOSE not to shoot because of the poor shooting conditions, I would thank them.

Comment Re:Drinking games ... (Score 1) 634

Don't foist too much of the geeky stuff on them, have fun with it ... drinking games!

Every time McCoy says "dammit", everybody drink. Every time Spock says "fascinating", drink. Every time Kirk gets his shirt off, drink. Every time an un-named red-shirt gets killed, drink. Every time Uhura says "scanning all frequencies", drink.

Of course, if you're watching next gen, any time Wesley saves the day, they mention tachyons or other particles with magic properties, or Deanna Troi wears the cheerleader outfit, or Warf drinks prune juice ... drink.

But, in the end, maybe just let sleeping dogs lie ... your friends may never really appreciate your beloved Trek, and in the end may decide it's not something they like. It isn't everybody's cup of tea.

My Ex and I did the drinking game thing with TNG (although she was already a Trekkie)
It was:

Every time Riker hit on a woman, drink
Every time Data split up a contraction, drink
Every time Picard ordered Earl Grey, drink
In the later seasons we added, every time Ensign Ro rolls her eyes

good times.

Comment my turn for a funny story. (Score 3, Funny) 256

Years ago I worked at small ISP, doing some web design, as well as phone support. Needless to say the phone support took up a majority of my time, and there were some fun conversations. Here's my favorite of all time:

An older lady called me one day extremely apologetic. She kept lamenting to me how sorry she was and how bad she felt, and keep asking me if all of my other customers were calling and complaining. It was her fault! She was adamant about that. Finally as she calmed down a bit, and I asked her why she was so upset. "I think I broke the Internet". I looked at my boss, who had wandered to my desk, (he could hear her frantic apologies through my headset), and I gave him a Spock-like eyebrow raise, covered my mic, and told him "She broke the internet." He chuckled, said "Have fun!" and went back to his desk.

So I explained to her that the Internet wasn't broke, and how it was highly unlikely that she could have broken the internet, so don't worry. She was fairly calm at this point, so I asked her "Ma'am, so what made you so concerned that you called me? What happened?" Her response was: "Well, I had an icon on my screen that said 'The Internet', and I think I accidentally deleted it. I thought I deleted the whole Internet!"

Poor lady. Remember when the IE icon actually said "The Internet"? You couldn't delete it either (not without some IT knowledge she didn't possess). So I walked her through auto-arranging her desktop icons and POOF there it was. She must have moved it off screen.

It's a tough job, but I do miss feeling like a hero.

Comment Re:Years ago .. (Score 5, Insightful) 470

A large part of me says "FUCK ethics, give that teach a raise."

We're marking that insightful now? Listen, I was one of those kids. I took shit about my beliefs from teachers and students alike, and when it comes from teachers it will fuck you up majorly. Having someone you are supposed to be able to trust ridicule you for your beliefs or for your family's beliefs. THAT is cruel.
It is hard to be a JW and go to public schools. It shouldn't be. I thought this was America.

Christians attacking other Christians..... *sigh*

Comment Re:Why JWs don't celebrate birthdays (Score 1) 470

I was a Jehovah's Witness for the first 30-odd years of my life, and neither me nor the many hundreds of other Jehovah's Witnesses that I knew would have ever been offended by the mention of birthdays in a test. Why are they being over-sensitive in retarded ways?

My entire immediate family are Jehovah's Witnesses, and that's the religion I was raised in (as I got older I realized I just didn't agree with some of the basic principles of Christianity). They aren't the kind of people to raise a stink at the existence of the term "birthdays". They explain to their children what birthdays are, and why their faith disagrees. Same with Halloween. Same with Easter. Same with CHRISTMAS.

Comment Re:it's a mole! (Score 1) 511

Yeah, the name "Hector Xavier Monsegur" was all over twitter (via Pastebin). He got doxxed awhile back, and retaliated with the "haha, not me newb!" defense. I actually starting a twitter account when all this "hacking" started, mainly because it reminded me of "the good 'ol days" a little bit, even if it was less talented than the cracking of the past.
It was fun to watch it unfold, but I got bored. (Teampoison IS lulzsec, no Teampoison is out to GET lulzsec! Joe Black isn't even real!) It was fun for awhile, but crackers (yes I'm still trying to hang on to that distinction) don't tweet.

Comment Re:I approve (Score 0) 805

if everyone else is trying to sleep on the bus/ train and you are loudly using your cell phone about an obviously nonurgent matter (your sister's crazy marriage, your kid's report card, your dog's diet, etc.) then you deserve to be jammed, with my full support, and with the support of everyone else trying to get some shuteye

I'm sorry, but if you have the need to sleep on public transportation, don't expect others to respect that. I do feel bad for you, and wish you could make some life changes that would give you the opportunity to sleep in a soft warm bed, but this is public transportation. Public. If I have no other opportunity to discuss my sister's crazy marriage, my kid's report card, or my dog's diet than on public transportation, than I have that right. If people are being to loud for me to have my conversation, as rude as that may be, I realize that I AM in public . I have just as much right to try and talk on the phone, as you do to try and have your siesta. Don't mistake what I'm saying, I wish the world was a better place and people gave others more respect no matter where they are, but no. That does NOT give you the right to interfere with everyone on that bus. The guy sitting 5 seats away from you tweeting OTA with his tablet not bothering you doesn't deserve that either, nor do folks walking down the street that get "jammed" at the stoplight.

It's selfish. You chose that lifestyle.

Comment i met my wife on EHarmony (Score 2) 630

and yeah, I was picky. Who wouldn't be? Generally, the point of marriage is to find someone you want to spend the rest of your life with, why wouldn't you be picky?

Comparing dozens and sometimes hundreds of possible dates may encourage a "shopping" mentality in which people become judgmental and picky, focusing exclusively on a narrow set of criteria like attractiveness or interests.

I always thought that's what dating was, shopping for your soul mate. The article continues to say that communicating over the internet creates unreal expectations. Well... yeah. I've talked to girls on the phone and gotten completely unrealistic expectations too. I'm not sure that's an effect of online dating or just not meeting face to face yet. You can't even expect this on the first date! Nobody reveals all their faults on the first date (Hell, I would never have had a date if I did!). Online dating sites are a good modern day tool, and the online equivalent of going to a singles bar, and if you've gone to a singles bar and actually gotten a date, you know it's trial and error.

You just gotta use your tools right! If you expect a computer to find your soulmate for you, then your expectation are definitely unrealistic.

It does happen though. I didn't expect it.

Comment Re:Is a UAV necessary? (Score 1) 388

Comparing the images you can't tell that it's blood in the Google Maps image, but in the image from the UAV, you can at least see that it's red. Red silt in that part of the country looks rather at odds with the geographic features there.

I color calibrate my monitor with a Huey, and I'd say it does look maroon to me, but at any rate it very clear begins right in the middle of Columbia Packing's property.

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