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Comment Re:NoSQL is just a vague term (Score 1) 103

Hey that is interesting, I have a system here where I store small amounts of JSON data as text column, since I don't have to query that text column it is not a problem for me (although I have to deal with missing values by hand), but how would you go about querying data from those types of "document-store" columns?

Comment Re:Can I get one (Score 1) 132

I actually use an eSATAp SSD hard drive frequently. I have an OS installed on it and used it to work and bring it to home when I need to do home office, avoiding having to bring the whole laptop.

I went with eSATAp because:
1) My work and my home computers both have eSATAp ports
2) My work computer does not have USB3.0
3) No need for cases/enclosures to hold the circuitry necessary for USB hard drives (it is far more portable).
4) Theoretical higher performance (and lower latency) compared to USB2.0

I have not measured performance of eSATAp vs USB2.0 or USB3.0, but the SSD is blazing fast running on eSATAp. If you have more info on performance of USB3.0 vs eSATAp I am interested (latency in special is more important when running OSs on external hdd), if I ever change computers on my work I might go for a USB3.0 case.

But you are right, eSATAp days are counted, the upsides are not worth the extra port if USB3.0 can provide almost (or better) as good performance. eSATAp ports work as a USB2.0 port as well, but nobody (except me I guess) uses the SATA part, it is hard to justify their inclusion. You have no idea how hard it was to find a eSATAp cable...

Comment Re:Unsurprising ... (Score 4, Informative) 300

Huh, that was exactly my reaction too. Odd how I read that IBM/MIcrosoft/Facebook/Oracle bought another tech company the first reaction I get is exactly this.

Interestingly when I hear that Google bought a company I don't get this reaction (yet).

Also where is Carmack? If he is still with Oculus then there might be some hope. But if they sold out without his vote, well there is something very wrong. John Carmack has being know to be someone uncompromising when it comes to tech.

Comment Re:Let me guess... (Score 1) 107

The thing is, these new DX features (like tesselation) are usually not an integral part of the game visuals. So many games just have a flag (DX9 vs DX11 flag), they make some preprocessor definitions to have two binaries, one with the newer features turned on and one with them turned off. So the windows XP folks could still play all the games (most of them would not have good enough hardware to use the new features anyway). This put the burden on the devs though, while not that hard to make two binaries it would still mean that a lot more of QA had to be done.

Comment Re:English? (Score 1) 230

While I have gotten hot code replacement working in Java, it is nowhere near as good as web dev edit/save/reload cycle. You usually can not change method signatures or add new methods or classes without restarting the application. If your code is abnormal (reflection, dynamic class loading, multiple class loaders), it starts getting into the territory of "too bothersome to use". Also the debuggers get lost when debugging code that was replaced, which means that the edit/test/debug cycle gets broken. It is way better than nothing, but not nearly good enough.

The edit/save/reload cycle does work for JSP (and JSF too I believe) files though. And interface code is the most important place to get fast modifications turnabouts.

Also, no hot code replacement for Android dev. At all.

Comment Re:I kinda want more specific types. (Score 1) 230

This smells too much like architecture astronaut thinking. I see the logic of your examples for numbers, but I fail to see how that would be useful for other types. Like you said the times this would actually be useful could be solved by simple OO practices, which injects some boilercode true, but this thing is niche enough to not require its own magic semantic rules.

Comment Re:So many bugs (Score 1) 230

I have to maintain around half a million lines of Javascript code and while I agree with you that static typing would help a lot, it is not THAT bad if you have a proper architecture. Dynamic typing makes too easy to just hack stuff on top of the architecture, if you don't have the discipline your project is sure to be doomed.

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