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Comment Re: Size (Score 1) 324

Image analysis of what you're looking at.

Having your glasses analyze what you're looking at is an extremely cool concept, but not really feasible for a Glass type device. The explorer addition could record video for just a couple minutes. Battery life is a huge problem if you don't want a cord hanging out of your glasses.

For a device that sees and hears what you see and hear, you need something more like this: https://www.spaceglasses.com/

And you thought Glass got you funny looks...

Comment Horrible Dev Environment (Score 2) 243

As a Tizen dev you get a bigger cut of sales... and it's not anywhere near worth it.

I once saw a full grown man in tears while he was trying to write a simple Tizen app.

I attended a Hackthon once where a team was trying to write a Tizen app, and at the end of the Hackathon none of them were speaking to each other.

Seriously, it's like pulling teeth. I've been an Android/IOS/Blackberry developer for more years than I care to admit, and I'd rather carve "Hello World!" into my own flesh than write it in Tizen.

Comment Re:Totally Amazed (Score 1) 45

There are a lot of public databases on those subjects, and more of them popping up all the time. There are also some amazing deep learning tools and resources that are completely open source. Check out Theano, Caffe, or CXXNet. Breaking into the world of deep learning isn't as difficult as most people think. The hardware requirements aren't even that intense anymore as long as you have a CUDA capable GPU (odds are, you do!)

So lets jump on it. No time like the present.

Comment Re:Laughably wrong. (Score 1) 386

Google may be able to get around the social acceptance problem of Glass. Last I heard, when Glass gets a public release it will be built into a normal looking pair of glasses. The idea being that people around you won't be able to tell that you're wearing it. Then nobody has to be asked "What is that on your face?" 400 times a day, and nobody gets punched by McDonald's employees.

Comment Re:In IT, remember to wash your hands (Score 1) 153

I can't believe I'm about to defend the development of a fad product, but here goes:

Sometimes there are benefits to a fad that we don't really see as developers. In my industry we call them "press release features". They may feel useless or even degrading to be developing, but they can have actual monetary value. For example a bank in the US just made a big splash by announcing that they will "support iBeacons". How will they be supporting iBeacons? I have no idea. I'm not sure that even they know. It's not important. What's important is that they got a lot of media attention, and give themselves a veneer of progressiveness.

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