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Comment Re:Teenagers will do stupid things? (Score 4, Insightful) 387

she's a teenage girl. you should be able to sit her down and say "Honey, We just want to let you know that we've reached a resolution. We can't legally tell you and you can't tell anyone the details but you don't have to worry it's over". A teenage girl should have the maturity to understand and accept that.

Comment I keep it simple (Score 1) 445

I'm like the luddite here. I have a system of a handful of passwords I use. I have one unique that I use for gmail. I have a secure one that i use on a few sites. a secondary secure pass. I have an unimportant password that i use for junk things things like forums I don't care about. I has a few backup passwords I switch to when someone gets hacked like kickstarter.

Comment Re:Can't Truss It (Score 1) 160

I wouldn't go that far. I would like to see the same service offered in other countries with their local stuff (India, UK, Korea, Nigeria) but I wouldn't expect one company to get everyone's shows. I was talking about TV so I'm willing to wait 24 hours. For movies, unlike most complaints I'm actually willing to wait a few months. Like 3 maybe 5-6 for subtitles. If it's out of theatres I expect it streaming.

Comment Re:Can't Truss It (Score 1) 160

you know I would pay for a private tracker that gave me good speeds. If I could pay for an official tracker that gave me DRM-Free video file torrents that would be worth it. Heck I would even consider modular monthly prices for channel limited content if the price was good. Something like $20 for the equivalent of basic cable and then $7 for the HBO torrents and then $7 for the Showtime torrents. I'll even wait 24 hours. In my dream it's DRM-Free, overlay free, and I can redownload whenever. btw when on earth did the official streaming services start going hard on subscriber info? The ONLY reason I watched Lost was one day I was on ABC and saw four seasons of hyped TV available (in HD?) just waiting for me for free. Just a click away, and I was already watching stuff on ABC. I was linking to for someone and immediately noticed it was asking for the cable subscriber's info. screw that.

Comment Re:Ridiculous (Score 4, Funny) 160

Are people in China going to agree to this? 45% of the entire world's internet subscriber base strikes me as absurd.

Sure if Photoshop sold for $3 to every single person who owns a PC they would make way more money than if they sold their software for several hundred dollars. But it's not going to happen.

for $3 I'd pay $5 a copy and pass out legal copies to everyone I meet. I would do it so hard. I might spend hundreds of dollars making sure everyone I've ever met has Photoshop. It wouldn't even make sense but I'd do it.

Comment Can't Truss It (Score 5, Insightful) 160

for $15/mo I would pay but I want EVERYTHING. ANYTIME. ANYWHERE. For Decades. they won't give me that. They'll drop some shows, they'll only last for a while. they'll block it in Canada offer different choices in Europe. It won't work in Trinidad. And without all that I'm not paying.

Comment Re:Limited potential (Score 1) 188

and yet at the same time those are rather common searches. Tall white dudes with light eyes. If you fit that you should have a lot of hits. What you have to remember is that OKC will select the top hits in that match based on compatibility. The article suggests that he wasn't getting that top slot positioning and when he was he wasn't getting good matches. It also suggests altering his profile is what got him top slot positioning in her search. So his mathing didn't get him in her search. It got him highly ranked in her search.

Comment Re:Uh? (Score 1) 408

you can store a password with TeamViewer, set it up as a service to run in the background leaving it available to connect as long as the computer is powered up. You don't even have to relate to computers as ID number you can store then as names if you sign up for a free account. It runs on a flash drive (not sure if LMI does this or not) Far as I can tell that's everything a LMI user would want

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