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Comment Re:More ambiguous cruft (Score 1) 514

They almost never lead to lawsuits because they don't need to in order to cause damage. Its like the record company bullshit. They bring in a bunch of lawyers and make threats and usually its farmer himself that destroys the crops when he realizes that Monsanto has never lost a case against a farmer. The fact many people throw around is that Monsanto has only 'sued' around 150 people in the last twenty years. But they always leave out the one hundred thousand plus motions and requests that Monsanto have used to have the courts put undue financial strain on farmers. They no longer have to sue anyone to get their way. They have turned into extortionists, just like the RIAA. They go to people they want to extort, point out they have never lost a case, make a list of demands that must be met or the defendant will be destroyed financially. And for a farmer that is facing the loss of ability to feed his family, the additional lose of possibly the entire farm and house as well in a lawsuit means the farmer will simply tear down the crop himself or allow Monsanto reps to do it and it will never see the inside of a court room.

Comment Re:More ambiguous cruft (Score 1) 514

The problem with your line of thinking is what we have with Monsanto. Farmer A plants Monsanto and through natural processes, his plants have their genes inserted into Farmer B's crops without his knowledge or consent. The wind, bees, whatever it took, was completely out of Farmer B's hands but the courts will make Farmer B either tear out every plant he has or pay Monsanto a hefty fee because their patented genes are now being 'used' by Farmer B. I don't know if its still the same way or if laws have changed since, but several years ago a man that worked for my father supplemented his income with around thirty acres that had to be wiped out because a court decided that Monsanto's rights were being infringed. He was able to appeal it, but his appeal wasn't heard until months after the sheriff's department forced him to uproot and destroy every plant. If he had been wealthy and called out an attorney on the spot, he might have prevented the destruction, but like most growers, he wasn't able to fight it until it was too late. While this guy was pissed off because that was his vacation money for the year, I wonder how many smaller farmers have been completely destroyed financially because of practices like that.

I agree that custom genes, if developed through some intelligent process and not merely 'discovered', should have the possibility to be patented. Trying to enforce that patent anywhere but inside a lab, (or after it is proved that the farmer fraudulently obtained the material), just feels unethical, though.

Comment Re:Favorite Pastime for the Islamists (Score 1) 509

While Muslims use a lot of different techniques to achieve their goals they are directed to follow Jihad, always, just in different ways depending on their current local situation. There may be peaceful Muslims individually but as a society there will always, eventually be bloodshed because they are directed to that end by their prophet. No other religion still holds on to that thinking and haven't for a long time. Israel stopped enforcing their anti gay sex laws in the 60's and made it legal altogether in the late eighties. Anyone claiming to hate gays and claiming to be a Christian is a false Christian who is acting against the words of their prophet to love their neighbors as their brothers. A Muslim who cuts your head off can not only find several suras in the Koran to back him up but will find none admonishing his act if you are a non-muslim who refuses to convert.
When they are greatly outnumbered they are directed to follow silent jihad. They move into an area, abuse any freedoms in the land for religion and preach tolerance and love. They did this during their foundation in the city of Medina. A city of Jews felt compassion for the new religion and welcomed them in. The Muslims did as their prophet directed and waited. The same thing is happening in the USA and many places in Europe. They call for tolerance until they outnumber the non-Muslim population. Then they either vote in Sharia laws then enforce them by killing people who don't follow the new rules or they murder everyone who disagrees with war and terroristic behaviors like they did in Medina.
Once they reach the point where Muslims are the greater number they either wait while their power solidifies or aggressively expand by converting their neighbors and killing the infidels. You can see this behavior pretty much every where Muslims rule in the world. Its not that occasionally some maniac takes over the religion and abuses its holy book's wording to kill, its that occasionally a Muslim comes along who convinces their neighbors to end their apostasy and do what they are called to do by their prophet. Its so ingrained in who they are that they even turn on each other, with one or both sides claiming sura such and such directed them to kill their Muslim brothers.

Comment N/A (Score 1) 578

By that time the telecoms will have completely taken over people's social interactions and there will be no 'spoken' language. All text in small chunks. Sex will be done by switch across the internet. As soon as we get rid of all this silliness like living and socializing and get straight into the buying shit the better off our overlords will be.

Comment Stupid people do stupid things... (Score 1) 223

Wait, so this dumbass thought 34.99 for the the internet service was all inclusive? At what point in the entire history of cable companies have installation and equipment not come at extra cost? At what point in the history of any teleco service have those things been free? Good luck explaining to a jury that you're so unbelievably naive that you thought that meant everything else would be free. I use TWC for internet and read the fine print. I saw that I was liable for an installation fee and a modem charge fee. I told them I didn't need a modem and bought a surfboard that was listed on their website as being ok to use with their service. The only thing I see they did was try to charge him 39.99 for a 34.99 service. Sounds like he just turned into a butt hurt baby and decided to get legal. While I hate TWC as a company and detest that I have to pay for service through them instead of having any kind of choice, I hope this guy just ends up having to pay them court costs and lawyer fees. There's nothing worse than some idiot seeing dollar signs when they get a little mad at a company.Hell go after them for claiming they have to charge you five bucks a month for Home Wifi Service when you have a wireless router. I had a CS rep tell me they were providing a wireless service through the cable and had to go three levels above her to stop it. Or any other number of legit reasons they suck as a company. Don't waste tax payer dollars taking up court time for your own stupidity and ignorance.

Comment Re: Typical muslims (Score 1) 389

First off, I was in Israel and Palestine and have seen both sides. You are so full of shit. There are so many wrong statements in your response its actually difficult to keep it all in mind while responding. You are the pathetic mouth piece of ignorance. You consider people who stand by while rockets and mortars are stored inside of and fired from the roofs of their homes as innocent? If rockets are fired from a building, that building will be blown up. Just how stupid are you claiming these people to be if they choose to keep their children there on the exact day they are told its going to be bombed? The government and the people there want their civilians to die in order to further their propaganda machine. You consider actions justified when they fire purposefully on civilian targets? Sorry asshat but I watched rockets fall into a neighborhood of nothing but civilians. The rockets that Israel fired back? They were fired at houses where the rockets came from. You are so fucking blind its sad. Why was the UN school devoid of UN workers? That's right, because it had been taken over and was being used as a base of operations. These people aren't targeting Israeli military targets they are targeting civilians. That's the difference. One side purposefully targets civilians and the other hits civilians while targeting the people who fired the rockets. Is it Israel's fault that they are so far beyond Palestine in their ability to fight? Should a six foot tall, well built man stand their and keep taking slaps from a smaller person? Should that larger man feel bad when he finally slaps back and it breaks the smaller persons' jaw? Bummer for the smaller person for being too fucking stupid.
You really need to pull your head out of your ass and head on over to Palestine. Find out exactly how little innocence there is. You call me a racist? Racist is teaching your children that an entire people must be murdered for there to be peace in the world. I never heard Israeli kids spouting that type of garbage.

Comment Re:No thank you (Score 1) 267

You mean because JJ Abrams finally made a Star Trek that was interesting and exciting to watch to people other than die-hard fans that it was somehow bad? I grew up on Star Trek and honestly was bored as hell watching the last few of the TNG movies. They weren't horrible, but they were definitely boring compared to the new ones and lacked a lot of what I loved about the show itself. JJ Abrams didn't even start the whole series down the action path, he just did it better than the last few movies. TNG was so much more about political issues and less about combat, but the movies tried to blend both and didn't really do that great of a job with it. The new movies, to me anyway, are the best they could have done with what the TNG people started. Now, Lucas can go fuck himself for what he made the Star Wars prequels into. Star Wars has always been about the action. We watched the originals just hoping and waiting to see Luke do some crazy shit or to see some badass piloting skills at destroying empire ships. We couldn't give two shits about senators and trade routes. If they have a decent story, the JJ Abrams treatment is exactly what Star Wars needs at this point.
My Star Wars wishlist for the new movie:
The sith take revenge on the Ewoks for helping to destroy the deathstar and rain force lightning down on all of them prompting the jedi to action. During this scene the sith leader is seen having some space drink from Jar-Jar's skull. 2-3 hours of jedi on jedi fight scenes, fade to black.

Comment Re: Typical muslims (Score 1) 389

You seemed to overlook the thousands of rockets a year fired into Israeli villages,(at citizens), or the hundreds of suicide bombs that have killed Israeli citizens as well as the fact that the terrorism perpetrated by the Palestinians was official policy of their state. Even though they publicly denounce these crimes today they still fund it so its the same old shit for them. The bigger issue is that for Israel, the people waging this war against them are not a uniformed army. It is against people hiding among the citizens, and when those citizens refuse to turn them away or fight them they mark themselves as helping these terrorists. I get that its a shitty thing to talk plainly about, but when you are attacked by the citizens of a nation, you attack the citizens of that nation if the government is unwilling to control its population. At some point, these so called innocent Palestinians will either all enter the war against Israel, (if they agree with the terrorists), or they will tire of being lumped in with the terrorists and do their part to fight them. So far, they have decided that getting killed by Israilis, (which the Israeli government warns them in advance when they are going to bomb a neighborhood), is somehow the better choice than fighting against these terrorists causing the problems in the first place. I wonder if these things could be because the government and the people support these terrorist actions? And if they do, they aren't innocent in this process. If they don't, then what possible reason could they ever have for this blind support they give?

Comment Re: Typical muslims (Score 1) 389

Actually they do. They are called upon by Allah to preach peace when outnumbered. As they currently are doing in the USA and in many places in Europe. They are, by the rules of their holy book, required to demand equality and peace. Then, as soon as they are capable, they are to wage silent jihad. That's what many muslims are doing around the world against non-muslims. The third thing they are commanded to do is to annihilate any non-muslims as soon as the muslim population is strong enough. Those are tenants straight out of the Koran and EXACTLY what muslim populations have done in the past when they are both the greater number and fully following their holy book. Look at what the Koran has to say about Medina. The city that welcomed them in and protected them against Christians was then annihilated by those majority of peaceful muslims as soon as they had the power to do so. The same thing plays out all over the middle east and africa on the smaller scale so people try to claim it was only tribal in nature but that's glossing over the FACT that they were acting in accordance to their faith. Many of these large muslim populations are using that first tenant to play it safe, but that doesn't mean the instant a war is waged on a massive scale that they will remain peaceful. Yes, the extremists that blow up things in other countries are the most devout followers, but the demand for blood is in the thoughts of every practicing muslim or they aren't following their holy book and are therefore not technically muslims. At worst they are pretending in order to not face death themselves, but at worst they are simply lying to themselves that its acceptable to pick and choose and still be a muslim.

Comment Re: Typical muslims (Score 1) 389

Do you simply not know a single thing about what lead up to the the Crusades taking place? Imagine a few hundred years from now, and some ignorant jackass is verbally attacked because of the country they live in. That jackass will likely make the same connection you did when he says, "oh yea? The fucking Americans invaded Europe in the early 1900's and murdered a shitload of Germans! Without reason! Can you imagine the arrogance of such an atrocity?"

Comment Re: Typical muslims (Score 1) 389

Except in this case the plank is Islam and and in our eye and the mote is pretty much everything else and in our brother's eye. Or are you saying that the bad things the US has done to its own citizens outweighs the thousands of deaths going on around the world at the hands of Muslims? The rapes, tortures and murders committed by Muslims on a daily basis far outweighs any injustices we see here in our country. Now, if we deal with the real threat to peace on this world, I will gladly join with you on fixing these smaller problems.

Comment Re:Work? FRANCE??? Hahahahaa! (Score 1) 131

We didn't go into Iraq to free them. We didn't go into Iraq to rebuild them. We into Iraq to crush their military force and kill Sadam Hussein. Our mission there ended when that happened and everything after was just our politicians trying to lessen their asshole appearance to the world. And we really couldn't care less about ISIS because its not a problem that directly impacts the USA. When we are asked to, or if they actually work themselves up enough to launch a serious attack against us, we'll happily go thin their numbers with bombs and return home. When you fight an enemy that isn't a standard army and instead hides among the rest of the population, you can never end that enemy without also ending the population as well. We will definitely do that, but not until we hit the threshold of necessary, American deaths to ISIS to whip up our citizens. After Obama's failed presidency, expect a Republican president who will likely take action against them as soon as his poll numbers aren't optimal.

Comment Re:Work? FRANCE??? Hahahahaa! (Score 1) 131

If by general population you mean people living in the suburbs, then yes, the general population doesn't know how to fight. Most rural areas and inner cities are filled with people that not only can fight, but enjoy it. I would take my 13 yo nephew in a fight with most suburban men. Its also sad that when I see some jackass placing ill conceived stereotypes that apply to so few people that they aren't really even legitimate stereotypes. Nearly everyone I know in my circle of colleagues and family is either educated on our military or has family members in the military and know exactly where our troops are. Care to go into detail where you think all of these ignorant people are? Our military is too politicized for the 'general population' not to know at least where we are fighting. With as many guns and angry people we have here it will be a long while yet before the pussification of our men takes us out of contention in some upcoming war.

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