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Comment Re:Concrete proof at last (Score 1) 330

Among my friends, every one who enjoys horror and zombie movies is liberal except myself. Also funny how anti-conservative every horror movie board I go to is. Every single person I know who listens to death metal is liberal leaning except myself. Strange that nearly everyone I meet who loves intense gore, violence and suffering in the media they choose to enjoy are liberals. Unless, that is, your guess as to why the data played out the way it did is entirely incorrect. Conservatives don't enjoy suffering we're just mostly indifferent to it. Its something that happens in everyone's life at some point and to some degree. Why get bent out of shape over it? Analyze it, figure out how best to avoid it in the future and move on.

Comment Re:Robot factories (Score 1) 331

Sorry, but simply being too selfish to not have sex without protection is not an acceptable excuse for claiming McDonalds doesn't pay enough for one person to live on. They pay around 10 bucks an hour here. That is definitely enough to get an efficiency apartment, clothe and feed yourself. That, to me is a living wage. Living wage doesn't give enough to increase savings. Living wage doesn't provide for coffee at Starbucks or $150 a pair gym shoes. I'm currently working at Amazon part time to make some extra money for the holidays. Its the hardest job I've ever worked. Want to know how many people stick around after one week? About one in five. The rest decide they would rather work an easier job flipping burgers than work harder for more money. Any one of them, who weren't lazy assholes could pursue hundreds of avenues to make more money but they choose not to. Is it McDonalds' fault that people make such poor decisions? I get that many examples could be given of people who were working hard and found themselves in positions where the local economy couldn't support their lifestyles as I was one of those people. Amazing job, lived in the country on a huge piece of land with a great house and our division was laid off. I found myself having to make the decision to not only move, but to sell pretty much everything I had to move into a much less desirable place and make less money than I had.

Comment Re:Flawed model? (Score 1) 219

'Our gravitational model predicts this type of behavior but we are seeing something completely different at different scales. Must be an error in the universe as our model is correct.' That's what I see going through some of these so called scientists' minds as they attempt to sound intelligent. I've always wondered at the arrogance of scientists who, when presented with an apparent problem with their theories, go first to the reason 'it must be something completely new and obviously not an issue with our theory'. If gravity behaves differently between sub-atomic scale and our local scale, how do they instantly discount that it could work differently on the galactic or universal scale? Or how do they discount that it may in fact work the same at sub-atomic levels as our local scale and we just have no idea what the algorithm is to graph the scale? Which could then explain what we see on the universal scale? They are assuming that their previous assumptions are correct, then making more guesses and assumptions based on previous assumptions and are somehow convinced that's not only the right way to go, but the only way to go. And that's on top of the blind arrogance that even though we know that black holes will distort what we see, that obviously every single other measurement we have ever made, (which have gone on to form and build upon our already unsteady model), are not only probably correct but absolutely unimpeachable in their certainty until proven wrong. I hope to see some of these answers in my lifetime but am doubtful it will happen except through blind luck.

Comment Re:Gay? (Score 1) 764

hahaha so funny the hate you can get for being truthful. Sexuality is a learned behavior. Doesn't matter if hetero, homo, pedo or necro. No one is born one way or the other. They may develop those desires early enough in their life that it feels like they were born that way, but its never been the case that its hereditary. Every few years someone claims to have found a 'gay' gene and is promptly shown to be a stupid asshole. Its only an argument made by people wanting acceptance. If you put 50 five year males on an island and had them taught and raised by men only, you're telling me that when they all get teen-aged and horny it was just a coincidence that all 50 were gay as they start pounding each other? Bullshit. And I guess, since they were born that way, then realistically only 10% or so would have sex with each other and the other 90% would what? Sit around frustrated all day thinking, "I would really love to not be so sexually frustrated, if only there were females, that I don't even know exist, that could help'. Fuck anyone stupid enough to make that claim.

Comment Re:Why at a place of learning? (Score 1) 1007

hahha have you ever actually been to a college campus? The amount of stupidity that goes around as normal group think is astounding. Its irony at its best when college students try to talk against something they feel is intellectually dishonest when the vast majority of the group think going on at campuses is exactly the same.

Comment Re: if you ban cash (Score 1) 314

Can't tell if sarcastic and stupid or intelligent and stating the obvious. Diamonds are going for around 3500 a carat. Even a two carat diamond would be much smaller than ten notes folded as small as you could possibly fold them. They don't show up in magnetic scanners like money does either,(USA dollars have magnetic strips and ink with high iron content but not sure Euros).

Comment Re:Straw Man (Score 1) 622

Since when, (starting from the invention of the camera until today), has anyone ever took a nude picture of themselves, or allowed another person to take their nude picture and not understood the risks that they might end up in a third party's hands? How completely oblivious can a person be who doesn't get that? The internet is completely irrelevant to the entire argument. No analogy is necessary. If you've hit puberty and don't understand that, bummer for you. You are allowed outrage if someone climbs into a tree and snaps some nudes while you're in your home because you otherwise keep what you want hidden under your clothes. When you take a picture, of anything, you are documenting it for all times.

Comment Re:People (Score 3, Insightful) 481

While carrion technically is any decaying meat that is no longer inside of a living animal, its definition is certainly restricted when talking about carrion eaters,(scavengers). Decay is retarded in aged meats by not allowing natural agents in that would start the normal decay process. Otherwise all meat eaters would be classified as carrion eaters as the instant the chemical signals for life stop, the meat becomes carrion. And they don't age most beef to give it any sort of 'carrion tang' they do it to break down the callogenic fibers that hold the meat together and give it a less tough texture. Any noticeable flavor only comes long after the time limits they put on most meats you can buy in the USA. I used to hunt deer and spent extra money to have some of it aged, and unless you dry age for a long time the taste is pretty much the same as straight out of the animal. Only its lack of toughness is noticeable. That's also why you only find high end places, (that charge considerable amounts of money), selling anything with any sort of aged flavor.

Comment Re:gtfo (Score 1) 724

I don't believe any law relating to inter-state trade or hate crimes regulates what people choose to do. If calling a gamer a faggot somehow physically kept them from going to the store it would still be out of scope for those laws unless he also caused physical bodily harm. Solely emotional damage is not counted in those laws. Nearly every law pertaining to hindering interstate commerce have that as a sub-section to get bigger fines/punishments for whatever other crime they are wrapped up in,(hate crimes, firearm crimes,etc), but every one of those deal only in physically hindering or through threats with weapons that can do bodily harm.

Comment Re:Not that new (Score 1) 59

I was just thinking that same thing. A reasonably titled 'cloaking device' would need to actively camouflage an object from detection. Limiting not only the viewing angle but also the viewing distance makes this more like an optical illusion or magic trick than the practically useful device the name cloaking device confers. A board covered in glue, then covered in dirt, being used to cover a hole in the ground could technically be called a cloaking device with such a ridiculously broad definition. Maybe more so as nearly any above ground distance and angle would still result in the cloaked object not being perceived.

Comment Re:I dunno about LEDs, but CFLs don't last (Score 1) 602

Have you actually stepped into a hardware store this decade? Look at the packaging and you can find dimmable versions of led's and cfls. You may lock yourself out of choices by only wanting a certain wattage equivalent or temp color but they all have soft white and in multiple wattages. I have three different dimmable CFLs and one that does three different wattages in a touch lamp.

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