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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 3 declined, 0 accepted (3 total, 0.00% accepted)


Submission + - Ask Slashdot: Can Lawmakers Disagree With Their Constituents?

TheSwift writes: A close friend of mine is involved in state legislature and I've interacted with him several times, hearing his viewpoints on different issues and topics. Although I found his perspectives very insightful, I have a hunch that his views on particular topics differ from the majority of his constituents. So, I wanted to bring this question to the Slashdot community for discussion: can a lawmaker disagree with the majority of their constituents if they feel they know better, or are they compelled to vote as they believe the majority of their constituents would vote?

Submission + - 3D Printing vs. 3D Drawing (kickstarter.com)

TheSwift writes: The 3Doodler may be an answer for hobbyists who hope to join the 3D printing craze, but fear spending exorbitant amounts on complicated equipment. A measly $75 is the cost of one of these simple little devices that allows you to draw in 3D. Compared to the $500-$3000 price range of many of industrial 3D printers, it may be quite a catch for budget-conscious hobbyists.

On the downside, it lacks the to-the-micron precision of the advanced software that powers most 3D printers. Most people probably won't be designing the green, life-like Yoda heads that seems a standard for any printer. You probably won't "draw" any moving parts either.

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