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Comment Re:Specs On Paper & Buyer Mindset (Score 1) 198

But what of it?. Does it offend you that some people prefer a more economical device? That not everyone feels spending $700 a year on a phone is a priority?

It's a weird compulsion to have their tribe be first. The reason I always find most amusing is "Apple make all the profit from smartphones", like that's a positive thing. It's like, er, guys, you know they are making all that profit from *you*? That if they make so much money it suggests their product is overpriced?

Comment Re:Specs On Paper & Buyer Mindset (Score 4, Informative) 198

Considering how many Android users tend to be the "build your own PC" crowd who are hardcore gadget people, the specs bloat appeals to them.

Oh... bullshit. There were almost 6 times as many Android devices sold last quarter than iOS. How are we still propagating the "Android is for geeks" line?

Meanwhile, Apple is selling a smartphone with a tiny less-than-HD screen, a processor that toddles along at a whisker over 1 GHz and a tiny 1400 MaH battery, and they're doing quite nicely for themselves.

Depends on how you look at it, in the States yes, but worldwide no, and Apple are rather in danger of getting left behind when horesepower does matter. Android isn't standing still, optimisations like ART may well give another speed bump. Apple make nice devices, but they're not immune to performance, and that'll get acknowledged eventually in the same way that we were told for years how the Power architecture was just as good as x86... until they switched.

Comment Re:Good. (Score 1) 138

You know something. If I changed religion my race would be the same. If I became a communist or a tea party member I would still be the same race. Difficult concept I know.

Fine, brilliant, I used the wrong word. Replace with "islamophobia", "prejudice" or "bigotry". Pick your favourite. They all come from the same place of ignorance & tribalism.

Comment Re:Only if... (Score 1) 427

Yeah, and I agree that way round would be awesome, but these devices don't run on magic. If you want that sort of core functionality on your wrist then you are talking about a large heavy device to hold enough battery to make sense. Cellphone functionality is power hungry, and that's the thing the watch doesn't have.

Comment Re:Yay DRM (Score 2) 93

and you can get 'pong' pretty much everywhere. Same with 'Tetris'

*Sigh*. Yes. Simple games that are easy to replicate. My point is that old games are still wanted, and in demand. Obviously I have no 30 year old games with complicated mechanics and huge numbers of art assets to use as examples, but in 30 years we will have those and no amount of technology is going to make those things easily replicatable.

Comment Re:Yay DRM (Score 1) 93

And I'm glad they've thought about this. Though how much we can believe that will happen in the carcrash that is typical for a collapsing business, it's harder to say. How will they distribute the updates if all the assets are seized? Who will do the work necessary on their back catalogue of 1000s if the employees aren't paid and have left?

Comment Re:Yay DRM (Score 1) 93

I doubt it. Missing recordings cannot be recovered from. DRM can be cracked, generally trivially.

I wouldn't be so blase. Perhaps right now, but not always. And just because DRM can be hacked, doesn't mean it has been hacked for the thing that you want. *And* I don't see a widespread failure in Steam DRM, so why would we assume that it can be cracked so trivially?

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