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Comment Re:lack of self-awareness (Score 1) 441

Sounds more like losers that can't cut it.

The workplace is for work.

Your off time is for friends and family.

She's another of those babies that want everyone to like them. Too bad it doesn't work that way in reality. I wonder how many of her co-workers could sense her as a fake.

Comment Re:lack of self-awareness (Score 1) 441

Doesn't really say how hard she tried, but if that batch of co-workers doesn't want to hang out with her socially, not really much she can do, except try to make other friends.

Frankly, she sounds like one of those annoying people that just want everyone to like and accept them and then they whine about it when someone doesn't find them fascinating or interesting. You can't force people to like you, and trying will just make them detest you...

Comment Re:lack of self-awareness (Score 1) 441

"When people learn to grow up and stop acting like the world revolves around them, they can learn to accomodate other people."

I agree, she should suck it up and go to the bar if she wants to socialize. Bars serve more than just beer.
Why should her co-workers waste their free time catering to those who don't have any interest in doing what they want to do?
Off the clock your time is YOURS, do want you want with it.
She needs to try fitting in rather than trying to force change.
Stop being a stick in the mud, listen to the conversations, and find something you;re willing to try that the existing social group likes and suggest doing that.

Why does "diversity" insist on dictating what people do with their rare and precious free time?

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