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Comment Re:creepy (Score 1) 167

Carmack is not that good at making games, he doesn't even enjoy the "game" part of programing that much.
What he is is an outstanding programmer, and he happens to enjoy the technical aspects of game engines.

I believe that once the engine is done, Carmack's contribution to the game is minimal.

Comment Re:graphics, who cares (Score 1) 152

Can you please stop with this meme :
We don't need better graphics, [game I played as a teen] was good enough. We need better gameplay. Modern games (Call of Duty) suck.

Ok, time to remove the nostalgia goggles.
First of all, not all modern games are Call of Duty. There are plenty of very good games with interesting gameplay *and* good HD graphics, both in the big budget and indie scene. Of course, you won't like all of them, not everybody have the same tastes after all.
And Call of Duty 28 is not a bad game. It only annoys older gamers (me included) because it's just another military style FPS like we've seen for more than a decade. But for younger people who are just getting into video games (the target demographic), if they have to choose between modern graphics and the low-resolution, blurry/aliased, shadowless mess we had before and came to accept, what do you think they'll choose ?
Good graphics are important. Proof is : when you ask someone about what he think were good games, he will usually mention games that had state-of-the-art graphics for the time.

Comment Re:Multiplatform? (Score 1) 164

Modern C string capabilities (strl[cat,cpy]) asprintf etc.

None of the quoted functions are standard C and strl* are BSD-only - yay for GNU-BSD strn*/strl* string function wars :(

It's all nice and good practice that they want to use the best tools available to them on OpenBSD, but not caring for what's available on other platforms is not really how one does portability and *will* produce forks, regardless how much the LibreSSL authors want to 'discourage' it.

If you really want to be clean you shouldn't even use strl*/strn* functions. Either you know exactly what the strings will be and it is safe to use strcat/strcpy or you should check beforehand that you won't overflow and report an error if it happens.
Something like this :
size_t src_len = strlen(src) + 1;
if (src_len > dst_len) goto error;
memcpy(dst, src, src_len);

strl*/strn* may be good at limiting the risks (a truncated string is better than a buffer overflow) but it shouldn't be your first line of defense.

Comment Are burglars interested in this ? (Score 2) 408

Burglars mostly look for easy to sell, small, valuable items : cash, jewelry, etc... They usually won't stay longer than a few minutes.
Do you really think a burglar will bother with a UPS or any of these big, heavy, boxes that only a few people want ?
They may however damage some of your stuff as they mess around your house searching for hiding places but anti-theft products won't help you with this.

As for the remaining cases : insiders and real professional burglars who know exactly what to take, unless you become completely paranoid, you won't stop them.

So : backup your data offsite, get a good insurance, do the minimum so that you are not the low hanging fruit (basically what is mandated by most insurance contract), keep calm and carry on.

Comment Re:FLAC vs MP3 (Score 1) 329

FLAC is definitely better for archiving.
While you may not hear the difference between a well encoded MP3 and FLAC, audible artifacts may surface if you transcode to another format. If you keep your archives in a lossy format, you must also make sure that you use a good quality encoder. No such trouble with FLAC.

Comment Re:Easy answers (Score 1) 305

Imagine a hotel with a hundred rooms. A murder has occurred in one of the rooms and you are here to investigate.
Modeling each room is easy, they are basically all the same, you can include a few random item and even characters for variety but chances are that you won't find anything interesting except in the room where the murder occurred. In fact, in real life, checking all the rooms is probably something you will try to avoid because it is time-consuming and boring.
But games, like movies, are supposed to be fun, not necessarily realistic. And it usually means that anything that does advance the story or character must be eliminated. So access to these useless rooms should be denied somehow and as you said, it's the job of the game designer is to do it the most natural way. But believe me, while unopeable doors and impassable waist height fences may be frustrating, really shitty games features unrestricted access to useless rooms. And that's true even with sandbox-style games like The Elder Scrolls or GTA.

Comment Re:Equality? How about sports? (Score 1) 673

I believe that competitive sports are simply more of a man's thing and the difference in budget simply reflects this. Like with programming, you won't get parity without discrimination.
The reason I think this is that men will almost always beat women if put together in the same competition, even when strength is not a significant advantage.

Note :
- I'm only talking about competitive sports. Women probably enjoy physical activity as much as men do, and maybe more.
- Of course some women are better at sports than most men, here I am talking about same relative level competitions, like the Olympics.

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