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Submission + - Amazon Introduces Bidding for EC2 Compute Time (

ryanvm writes: It seems Amazon is introducing the concept of bidding for CPU time on EC2. They call these "Spot Instances" and as far as I can tell, the only documentation on it exists in the help content of the Amazon Web Console.

Comment Re:and all I can think (Score 1) 334

How exactly would you make a device that electrocutes you into submission more humanitarian? Of all the things an unhinged cop might want to do to someone, getting tasered is probably one of the safest. Getting bonked on the head with a nightstick is certainly no picnic.

Comment Re:Depend on something... pay for admin (Score 4, Interesting) 408


I have been the full time sysadmin responsible for the mail server. I have had the job of keeping the mail service up. It's not cheap. You need redundant networking, redundant servers, redundant storage, redundant staff, and the glue to make sure it all works. For anyone spending less than a couple hundred thousand a year on IT, it's damn near impossible to beat Google's uptime for hosted mail.

As for your other concern about getting the data out of Gmail - you use the same protocols the rest of the Internet uses - IMAP/POP and SMTP. Not rocket science.

Comment Re:Indeed (Score 5, Insightful) 408

No problem.

Hi Boss -

I'm the guy that switched our email service to Google. See, it only costs us $50/year/user and this has been the first outage in over year. We used to pay a full time sysadmin to manage the mail server and would average about 12-20 hours of total downtime per year (maintenance, outages, etc.).

Obviously, the switch to Google has been much better for the corporate bottom line. Not to mention that we also get calendaring, wiki/sites, docs, and chat for the same price.

Ah, I'm glad you understand. You have a nice evening too.

Comment Re:Indeed (Score 4, Insightful) 408

That was dumb. I have handed over our email because it's more reliable than hosting locally. This was the first time we've been affected in over a year and it was for a little more than an hour. That's an order of magnitude better uptime than we had before.

Can you beat Google's uptime? I doubt it. Sure, it's not impossible, but you won't be doing it for less than $50/user?

Comment Re:Survival (Score 1) 642

I'm not so sure. How motivated could you possibly be about *anything* if the scenario you're proposing we plan for is that almost all of us die?

"Gentlemen, the Earth is going to be utterly annihilated in 2 years."
"Well then, for the love of Pete, let's put a handful of people on the moon!!!"

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