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Comment Re: Standard FBI followup (Score 1) 388

so i can't waive my right to state provided legal counsel?

for some rights you can definitely sign away your claim to them.

You have the right to lie to people, but apparently you lose that right if you sign an affidavit.

If you are coerced into signing something, yes, you might have a point. but this is a term of employment, judged for the most part fair by our courts.

Comment Re:you're doing it wrong (Score 1) 368

you're talking about the hardest of hard sci-fi. in most context, good sci-fi, readable sci-fi, i guess good fiction in general needs to have relatability.

Culture changes, norms change, but people don't.

the beast with two backs, mortality, gender relations, the relationship between society and the individual, they're all pretty timeless.

People who lived so long ago were just people who lived in shittier times, they weren't aliens, their humor wasn't any different than ours, they lived their own lives of quiet desperation.

Comment Re:Why only to police? (Score 1) 191


who wants to attack the US right now? islamists... lucky for us they're too busy killing each other, you know because they're basically brothers and sisters... and you know must therefore hate the fuck out of each other.

take US involvement out of WW2, we'd probably all be speaking german or russian or japanese.
and there'd be peace in the middle east... because why bother fighting over glass?

Comment Re:Depictions of violence... (Score 1) 310

so cold all you can do is stay inside
and drink and eat
falling asleep well before you can watch news of any kind.

you'd rather mix politics and crack rocks :)

you're too far apart for their to be hot-button topics of any kind. Also, you have a homogeneous population which probably doesn't disagree on anything.

there are good and bad points to diversity.

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