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Comment Re: NIMBY strikes again (Score 1) 228

hypothetically, we'll progress to the point where we'll be able to simulate miniature universes. Which will soon thereafter outnumber the number of our universes. x:1

If each universe eventually spawned ever just two universes... i mean binary growth and all that. The probability that we exist in the root universe, of all the universes that could be created vanishes to zero.

And the God of our universe could really be a snot-nosed 16 year old who likes to mess with his creations.

Wouldn't that suck?

Comment Re:planet/planetoid (Score 1) 83

classification does matter to a certain extent, i mean, they've refined the definitions of those words. so, true, the planet/oids don't care what we call them, and calling them something different won't change a thing about them, but it's useful when talking about them to group them according to shared characteristics.

satellites, moons, planets, planetoids, asteroids, stars, black holes... humans. it's kinda the point of language.

Comment Re:Sensors wrong (Score 1) 460

... aren't you arguing that automation is the source of the decrease in aviation accidents... not the fact that we have those accidents, and 150 dead people is a hell of an incentive to try to train your pilots to prevent something similar?

i'd say drones are meant to be re-used... aren't they a couple million each? kinda cheap but not exactly disposable. you know what they call a disposable uav? a missile, we've got those.

Comment Re:Holy misleading summary, Batman! (Score 1) 587

hypothetically. The one they reference was that short "If You Were a Dinosaur, My Love."

it is not hard to imagine a similar broadening of standards for speculative fiction in a longer-form category maybe even novel. I did skim that short story... and it's not even speculative.

they're effectively making the genre distinction meaningless.

Comment Re:Holy misleading summary, Batman! (Score 1) 587

i'd be pissed off at a award that claims that is disingenuous about its voting. I don't have the time to dig through the garbage anymore, and i look to these kinds of lists to figure out if there's anything to read or not.

I mean, i don't know about you, but i'd be righteously pissed if I saw a book in a bookstore that said "hugo award-winning" and had absolutely nothing to do with sci-fi or fantasy... i mean, i'd be pissed off for it wasting my time alone, not to speak of actually buying it sight unseen on the strength of an awards win.

There's something especially maddening about someone profiting from deception.

Comment Re:Yeah good luck with that... (Score 0) 587

... let me say, i was a liberal, until the left left me behind, now i'm probably in the center.

the SJW, or whatever description you'll have for them, is shrill, aggressive and, if what i'm reading is correct and rolling them into the feminism/lbgt spectrum isn't incorrect, all about ideological purity.

i'm already frightened of the speed at which a virtual lynching of a person can happen, and over what. brendan eich supports the wrong position politically, no job. dan savage uses the wrong fucking word in a discussion about the use of those words, vilified.

SJW is no more "shutting down debate" than say, white-male, or teabagger, or libertarian, or liberal, or feminist etc. etc. just a quick shorthand for what their positions are.

SJW... god, the name makes me cringe, and i support many of the results they're looking for, just none of their tactics?

i support almost none of what the tea-party stands for... but i also feel like i'd rather have them as friends.

Comment Re:Your government at work (Score 1) 336

you're missing the point, it's not the way that they died, it's the glorification of their death. you list two cases as "atrocities" which is an arguable descriptor of police shootings... but at the very least, nobody is trumpeting them as the just and correct way that society should behave.

People are, at least I am, more appalled by the fact that a revenge execution is glorified.

i think what you were trying to find was this picture

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