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Comment Re:It does not matter (Score 1) 559

It's not just America. The so-called socialist/communist block also praised labour as the only thing that makes human beings worthy, and if you don't drone all bloody day, you don't deserve your food, shelter, children. At the end of the day, the problem here is the protestant work-ethic that will not hold on the long term.

"Lump of labour" fallacy doesn't apply here. The whole purpose of industrialization and automation is to lower the need of labour in the production. Industrialization made major changes in our society, changing the model of the family. Automation made it possible to employ women and children in factories, automation also enabled to run the house holds without the permanent need of a person labouring at home. It went onward to basically replace majority of the human labour needed in most of the stuff we produce. Even in the not so long term, you see that economies resort to human labour in roles where the human is a servant, rather than a producer. The waiter, the parking guard, the security guard, the cleaner, etc.. The face of labour changes, and that changes do make difference in the social relationships. The politics of increasing industrialization and automation is the really horrifying part, because most of the planet is still place the value of human life on its labour.

Politicians and economists can perform miracles with the statistics of employment, the rate of unemployment however doesn't tell much about the wider social issues. There's a huge population on Earth that was never even close to be employed in the first place. Good part of the lowest social strata, house-wives, struggling agricultural families in Asia, South-America, or Africa isn't even counted in the population, or the work-capable population. My point is, that amount of labour needed is a political issue. At some point, individual profit will not work as a good incentive to create more chance to work, more chance to connect these groups in to the circulation of the world economy. Capitalism has its limits, and that limit is closely linked to the human labour.

Comment Re:800 million active users per month = 16 per day (Score 3, Insightful) 82

According to this, there's 680 million logins per day.
I couldn't find an official Facebook word on it, and the latest estimates are from last August, but they say a magnitude lower, 180k. I highly doubt that within 7 months there would be a 10 fold increase in server numbers.

So going by these numbers, there's 680.000k/180k = 3778 user/server/day. For a web server, this is pretty good number, as I can imagine, serving 3778 users is a sort of continuous thing, unlike many other websites. Notifications are polled pretty frequently, and as you scroll requests are made constantly to the servers.

I don't like Facebook, and I think this is a waste of energy and space for storing cat videos and sex-quizzes but the numbers in this case do add up.

Comment Re:Visual Studio (Score 1) 254

OK, I thought you're one of Those Guys... who think that debuggers encourage bad coding practices. My understanding of a good debugger is sort of the ones that are available today. I don't expect debuggers will expand their feature set anyway, they are good as they are. In fact, MS debuggers are in some aspect are inferior as they can't be scripted AFAIK.

Comment Re:Big deal (Score 2, Insightful) 394

DRM doesn't work. It doesn't work because there's an already working technology, that is, downloading media files over the internet. DRM doesn't add anything to that. Media players, browsers, your display connector, etc. is in your possession, and is yours to use them in a way you like. DRM is a bunch of method to deprive you from that basic right. DRM doesn't add up to your service quality, at best(!) you don't notice. But even then, you need to have an equipment that is able to decode the DRM encryption, which would require better hardware, and more electricity spent. There's no harmless DRM in the world.

Comment Re:W3C DRM proposal is OPEN! (Score 4, Insightful) 394

Inviting DRM in to standard browser tech is a sort of thing, that directly turn the internet to be more closed information system. For the moment, the reason that not all media provider goes with DRM is that DRM still loomes over the user and exclude a portion of the population, because it can't be done without user interaction. If user interaction won't be required any more we'll soon will see large migration to DRM scheme.

The problem is that if content providers move en mass to DRM schemes, your choice is not simply not discard DRMed providers, but not to consume entertainment at all or install god-knows-what binary blobs on your system, forced to use software which you wouldn't normally buy or even trust, and so on. DRM scheme, along with many "invention" of the tech/entertainment industry is a fraudulent scheme, nothing else.

Comment Re:not much better (Score 1) 394

Your metaphor doesn't work here. It's rather than copy the key with brute force (i'm not sure what would be that IRL), and send the copies out all over the place, without going back to the original lock. Not every user has to brute force it, only a single one. The whole idea of DRM is completely broken.

Comment Re:Visual Studio (Score 1) 254

I use Qt Creator, it is great for C++ development in general. For everything else, I fire up Eclipse. Eclipse has its own issues, as it is written in Java, you can't expect the same performance as from Qt Creator for example, but it has the best plugin collection and perhaps most supportive community. Virtually all existing language is supported by an Eclipse plugin, and the number of existing ones will let you implement your own.

Also, I'm a great admirer of Emacs, which is my primary environment if I do some work remotely. I love to work with it, for C++, script languages, or just simply text editing.

If you're looking for something more similar to Visual Studio, I suggest you should also give a try to KDevelop. There are plenty of alternatives as you can see.

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