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Comment the new community manager (Score 1) 669

If the Pope says (confirming what mainstream Christians have believed for a long time)

what mainstream christians?

i read the pope's quote yesterday, it later came to mind when i stumbled on yet-another-creationism-thread here on slashdot, about michigan state university hosting a conference and such. do us citizens realize that this is a problem with us christians *only*? they are not mainstream at all! that this ongoing charade is possible in a developed country is startling. you won't find such widespread intellectual insult among western christians elsewhere. not even in spain, with an extreme national-catholic background still deeply entrenched in power and pretty low scores in education, does this find a minimum audience. not even on junk tv. in us it spread from the university!? dudes, ...

that homosexuals aren't bad, and now Evolution and Big Bang are consistent with orthodox Catholic thought, what the heck else are we going to build our strawmen attacks out of? ...because you don't really think this will change anyone's mind about how they feel about religion, do you?

francisco is cool, exactly the worst pope to have. ratzinger's rancid fundamentalism was just fine, it drove many lost souls away. too bad, the roman catholic church must have had an epiphany, because they realized this too. now they have a celebrity!

Comment Re:Fuck Snowden (Score 1) 221

Snowden isn't some harmless guy "just doing his thing." He committed crimes that carry the death penalty. Snowden screwed America and its citizens, much of Europe, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia, even if you don't recognize it, or even cheer him for it.

he just publicly showed proof of how rotten government is in america and much of europe. it's those governments who screwed their citizens.

if you believe this deserves death penalty _for_the_messager_ then you are the traitor, but more than that you are a sick piece of shit.

Comment Re:Not just "unreasonable". (Score 1) 221

while there are so many medieval crazies running around alternately shouting Hallelujah, Death To The Great Satan and beheading followers and non-believers alike, the Patriot Act will stay.

isn't that why they produced those medieval crazies in the first place, and why they're producing more of them by the minute?

Comment Re:Make it a plugin for local mail clients (Score 1) 173

not at all. the content of course is disclosed, that's just ok or else it would be encrypted.

however your use of the content is private matter too. that's as safe as it could be on local storage if using a respectful client. of course this includes also your full contact list, your habits, location and probably system and device information, if not more. this is inevitably leaked with any imaginable online client, and if you also choose gmail that's an explicit statement that privacy means shit to you. note: your's and your contact's.

just saying, not wanting to argue or playing right-minded. i just can't get used to the way people boldly dismiss this issue, as if it made it nonexistent. the fact that lots of people tend to do will have have far reaching impact on society, already has. people should be made aware, not misinformed. then they can do as they please, and of course take responsibility.

Comment Re:At least Emacs can open files over 2 MB in size (Score 1) 156

i had a ver similar experience. :) it was amusing.

no, it's not viable as a heavy duty editor yet, by far. however it's remarkable that such apps are at all possible grinding the dom in a browser. the setup for desktop integration is awkward, but keep in mind that this is a pure standard html webapp. you can easily embed that thing in any webpage to be used in any browser, considering this fact both functionality and performance are quite remarkable.

oh, and i'm afraid you don't know anything about javascript, but better don't ask those "fellow javascripters" of yours! :) no pressing either, atom will probably come and go, but you will be hearing A LOT about javascript/ecmascript in the future.

Comment troll the troll (Score 1) 555

see, it's easy to tell what the average user does. it's also easy to make a fool of oneself trying to guess what a particular stranger on the net does, like you just did.

but anyway your conclusion seems to be that since we both use cotton and microelectronics in some way we both should use windows? or that voting one mafia over the other will bring us ... wait a minute, this is gorgeous ... "control over our lives"? and, hey! we get to complain as a bonus! no shit!

hehe, hilarious. too bad you didn't like my propaganda. yours was spot on.

Comment Re:And this is why Linux will never win the deskto (Score 1) 555

Gnome and Unity are almost as dumb as their commercial counterparts).

the good thing about gnome3/unity is that it provides an excellent oportunity to realize you don't need it. nor gnome. nor kde.

get yourself a pure window manager (dozens to choose from, most of them totally customizable) and be done with the "desktop" mentality once and for all. it will work with any linux.

you'll have to learn a few basic things: how to split windows and switch between them, how to launch programs, errr ... not much more. oh, and forget about leaving your crap on any "desktop". get used to keep it organized, already. after 30-60 minutes of exploration you should look back at windows, macos, kde or gnome as bizarre aberrations from a infantile and baroque past. so much for user experience.

compared to awesome or i3, the whole

Comment Re:And this is why Linux will never win the deskto (Score 0) 555

Choose your OS, average user:

1) Windows
2) Apple
3) From hundreds of confusing distros and rage-forks of distros of "Linux"

good for me that i don't give a shit about what OS the average user chooses.

the average consumer eats processed shit, wears slave produced shit, regularly buys useless crap, uses closed software from locked gardens, gives away his privacy with a smile, votes every 4 years to maintain a soft fascist status quo, swallows shitloads of propaganda daily and in general has no fucking idea about how the world he lives in works. nor does he give a shit.

feel identified? ok, you might as well use Microsoft Apple (c) products, let's not make a drama out of this. move on.

Comment Re:Agile is the answer to everything (Score 3, Insightful) 133

I agree that it can work - IF you have good people. That's rarely the case, so it usually fails

this. agile was the experience of a group of highly skilled and motivated professionals in a very specific setting. they had intuitively adopted some practices that were already known, and then called their whole experience "agile" and produced a recipe for it.

what few understand is that this recipe is simply not universally transferable. talent and motivation are the real drive. given those, everything else can be figured out in many ways: probably any combination will work in such a team, they just chose what suited them best.

but none of them will work in a zoo. no matter how many evangelists and bananas you throw at the monkeys.

Comment Re:Hilarious (Score 1) 97

OTOH, they should open such emails in a sandbox suchas a VM, preferably in a non-Windows environment. They are professionals - they should be able to handle this sort of thing.

opening that email in a plain text editor would have been enough, and more informative too. even outlook, i vaguely remember, had a "view source" or equivalent option.

allowing html or media to be embedded in email seemed a cool idea but we have never been prepared for it.

otoh, allowing private software to be used in public affairs is just idiotic.

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