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Comment Re:he's right (Score 1) 680

(V)--We demand that you cannot keep us out.
"(Priest)--Who are you?
(M)--I am Majikthise [pronounced Magic Thighs].
(V)--And I demand that I am Vroomfondel.
(M)--You don't need to demand that.
(V)--All right. I am Vroomfondel and that is not a demand, that is a solid fact. What we demand is solid facts.
(M)--No, we don't. That is precisely what we don't demand.
(V)--We don't demand solid facts. What we demand is a total absence of solid facts. I demand that I may, or may not, be Vroomfondel.
(Priest)--Who are you?
(M)--We are philosophers.
(V)--Though we may not be.
(M)--Yes, we are!"

Douglas Adams, what a guy!

Comment Re:he's right (Score 5, Interesting) 680

You should have had Mr Burton, my maths O level teacher. He was brilliant. He was totally passionate about his subject and he was also a fantastic teacher. he encouraged us to think about maths rather than to just blindly follow formulae. I still vividly remember the lesson where he taught us differential calculus from first principles.

He encouraged us to study outside of lesson time and his door was always open during lunch, or after school. almost every one in his class passed their maths O level with at least a B, over half had A's

It's no exageration to say I owe my career as a developer to him and his enthusiastic teaching.

Comment Re:Email and News, with a dash of YouTube (Score 1) 159

some people have this thing callled a Family...

  5 people in our house, 2 playing Wow, 2 watching iPlayer and someone else torrenting from eztv - that sweet 50Mbps Virginmedia cable connection we have starts getting stressed. (yes, that does happen a lot!)

We're moving more towards online entertainment all the time (netflix etc) so it's not unreasonable that 100mbps will become the expected connection speed before too much longer.

Comment Re:Noo! (Score 1) 738

I'm not a proferssional mathematician but I think I do have a high level grasp of the principles of the BT paradox - I though it relied on being able to select an infinite number of points from the object. The earth has a finite number of atoms (or sub-atomic particles, or quarks... or.... )

Comment reminds me of a funny story (Score 1) 373

Years ago when I was a kid our neighbour was a sparky working on a site building new residentials. He had a huge fight with his foreman over something that wasn;t his fault, he got so pissed that he cross-wired the meters for each pair of houses on the site he was working on that day so house A would be paying for house B's electrons and vice-versa.(easy to do in our brick built "semi-detatched" houses in the UK where each pair of houses is one physical building)


Online Ads, Privacy Remain In FTC Crosshairs 95

AC95 writes "The FTC wants to give users a browser-based tool for opting out of online behavioral tracking, a proposal that has privacy advocates cheering and online advertisers up in arms. A key issue, says FTC attorney Loretta Garrison, is that while most consumers know they're tracked online, they don't fully appreciate how much information is collected. Tim O'Reilly, founder and CEO of O'Reilly Media, worries about knee-jerk legislation criminalizing mistakes that are an inherent part of applying any new technology."

Cooking For Geeks 312

jsuda writes "You've got to have a lot of confidence and nerve to write and try to sell a nearly 400 page book on cooking to the take-out pizza and cola set. No cookbook is likely to turn many geeks into chefs or take them away from their computer screens. However, even though Cooking for Geeks contains a large number of recipes, it is not a conventional cookbook but a scientific explanation of the how and why of cooking which will certainly appeal to that group, as well as to cooking professionals and intellectually curious others." Read on for the rest of jsuda's review.

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One of the most overlooked advantages to computers is... If they do foul up, there's no law against whacking them around a little. -- Joe Martin
