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Comment Re:this has me wondering (Score 2) 151

how do they get the really large ship i.e. tankers etc that far up the beach. Do they just sail flat out towards the coast and then let the ship plough on until it comes to rest?

Yes: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=ship+breaking+beaching

Collisions are an obvious hazard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTDV2BqfOVg

Comment Re: Two idiots in a corp meeting (Score 4, Informative) 248

From http://www.businessinsider.com/leaked-audio-listen-to-aol-ceo-tim-armstrong-fire-a-patch-employee-snapping-a-photo-2013-8 :

We hear that Lenz, based in New York, would always take pictures of people talking on company-wide conference calls so that he could post them on Patch's internal news site.

Comment Re:lol (Score 2) 219

Are you sure the damage is just limited to the configuration changes you made? The attorneys in my organization believed that the language could be extended to anything that runs on the same set of servers, and anything that interacted with the same database.

And it's even worse for libraries (e.g. iText) - there, the thought was that it could require sharing every bit of code used to run the web site. Not surprisingly, we're not using or contributing to anything licensed under the AGPL.

Comment Re:Yep (Score 2) 407

From paper discussed here: http://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2009/07/another_new_aes.html

In the case of AES-128, there is no known attack which is faster than the 2^128 complexity of exhaustive search. However, AES-192 and AES-256 were recently shown to be breakable by attacks which require 2^176 and 2^119 time, respectively.

Comment Re:Easy (Score 2) 235

... run wires in conduit at a uniform height in every wall ...

OK, I'm confused. Is the conduit running horizontally through the wall? And then you reach through the new hole in the wall to tee into the conduit?

I'm not aware of anything UL listed / permitted by code that works that way.

Comment Re:drone schmone (Score 1) 142

It used to be that cost and resources would severely constrain the number of 'targeted killings'.

Those constraints made for a type of check and balance; only targets that reached a very high threshold were attacked. Now that it's much cheaper and easier to launch an attack, that threshold is much lower.

In short, as is true of many systems, a change *is* quantity is a change in quality.

Comment Catch-22 (Score 2) 215

From Catch-22:

"It takes brains not to make money," Colonel Cargill wrote in one of the homiletic memoranda he regularly prepared for circulation over General Peckem's signature. "Any fool can make money these days and most of them do. But what about people with talent and brains? Name, for example, one poet who makes money."

"T. S. Eliot," ex-P. F. C. Wintergreen said in his mail-sorting cubicle at Twenty-seventh Air Force Headquarters and slammed down the telephone without identifying himself.


General Peckem roused himself after a moment with an unctuous and benignant smile. His expression was shrewd and sophisticated. His eyes gleamed maliciously. "Have someone get me General Dreedle," he requested Colonel Cargill. "Don't let him know who's calling." Colonel Cargill handed him the phone.

"T. S. Eliot," General Peckem said, and hung up.

Today, someone would ponder why Wintergreen would slam down the phone, since that would break the screen.

Comment Re:Arab Spring (Score 1) 440

Shorter you: Mossedegh bad; Shah good. I'd love to hear your views on SAVAK: Great secret police, or greatest secret police?

You comment is unusually partisan - unusual, since there aren't that many people with a partisan view of Iranian history here on /.

Comment Re:The real issue I have is (Score 1) 655

> When you study a system, especially a complex system, it defies imagination that you can tweak a single variable and control the entire system.

So, to continue with the example of the day: we'll reduce the amount of oxygen available to a human, and see if that has any effect. It's just a single variable, after all; surely it can't control the entire system.

There's an argument to be made about percentages, and whether CO2 in the atmosphere is more like oxygen to a human, or maybe more like nitrogen, but that's not the argument you presented.

Comment Re:Not what he meant by virtual: (Score 2) 256

"Equally science fiction" is overstating it just a bit. We have observed that a human consciousness can exist - there are several billion examples around at the moment (minus a few politicians). There are no observations of wormholes or faster-than-light communications.

So, a consciousness in another medium has a better chance of being built than an ansible. Of course, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for it.

Comment Re:Reading is so over rated (Score 1) 415

He said he was once a voracious reader, but his schedule got in the way. While Cryptonomicon is an excellent work, it requires attention, and probably doesn't work as well when read in small chunks. So the problem could have been time, not "he doesn't like to read" (that's a massive oversimplification of his point, BTW).

The problem could also have been that he didn't like some topic in the book. I had a friend return a copy he'd borrowed because he didn't want to read through the "gay agenda" involving Alan Turing in the first few chapters.

Your problem, on the other hand, is a bit tougher to diagnose. What led you to post such a pointless, vapid comment? Are you really that bored?

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