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Comment Re:Your post is a non-sequitur. (Score 3, Interesting) 183

The point being that Apple didn't adopt Objective-C just to be weird. Next used Objective-C to build NextStep and there's certain things in Objective-C that made NextStep moderately cool.

I actually worked at Apple, on the operating systems team, around that time. Apple was in no position to be arrogant in 1997 and wasn't actively looking for ways to be incompatible. Today, that's a very different story.

Comment pkexec?? (Score 1) 98

Sorry, old Unix guy here. My first reaction was "What the F is pkexec and why is it running setuid?"

Yet another way to execute arbitrary privileged executables is yet another potential security hole. This dumb thing is apparently part of the "Free Desktop" but it's depended on by all kinds of stuff including the fricking RedHat power management. What's wrong with plain old sudo?

Comment Re:What's the point? (Score 1) 511

The question is, who is "you" and when does that checking happen? I don't do a lot of work in Python, Ruby, etc. and all of the programmers that I know who do are fairly young and working on fairly small projects so they don't have a good answer for refactoring.

If I change the arguments to a method in a statically type language any place where I forgot to change the call to that method will be exposed at compile time. As far as I've been able to learn so far, in most dynamically typed languages that check won't happen until runtime. The pat answer to that is "you should have unit tests that cover everything" - but getting complete code coverage is hard and for large projects, the test suite takes a non-trivial amount of time to run - usually much, much longer than compile time. So, you wind up with bugs at runtime. Or is there a better solution?

Comment Problems getting merchants to accept it? (Score 4, Insightful) 78

Technically, I see how it works but why would a merchant accept this thing? It doesn't look like a credit card and it's missing all of the anti-fraud elements built into the physical cards. According to their FAQ, Coin is trying to substitute an image on your smart phone plus their gadget for your physical card but I don't see that any of the actual credit card issuers are actually endorsing this. As a merchant you might be in violation of your merchant agreement by accepting this thing.

Comment Re:Why not just use hard drives and then store... (Score 1) 193

The Blu-ray disc needs to be mounted before it can be accessed. The ratio of robotic mechanisms to discs becomes important. If you need to mount ten discs, it takes ten times as long (if they're all using the same arm) whereas you could spin up ten hard drives simultaneously.

I've worked with large scale robotics since the late 80's. The performance of the arms has not increased significantly since then. When you're dealing with scientific datasets or backups it's not as much of a problem. In random access storage, though, it starts to be an issue.

Comment Re:And how long does it take... (Score 1) 190

Also, as they proliferate, they're going to have to deal with vandalism. A gas station is a neatly concentrated resource with oversight, security and even they still get vandalized.

Don't whiz on the electric fence!

Things like pricing can always be messed with. I think the maintenance issue, as the network grows, will become challenging. We'll see, though.

Comment Re:Enough of the Tesla circle jerk (Score 1) 190

And in 1900 the same arguments applied against gasoline cars and you could get food for your horse, have a stable to keep it in, find a blacksmith to put new shoes on your horse, etc. just about anywhere.

The technology for EVs is still pretty early and just starting to improve. Give it another 10 years and it will probably address most of your concerns.

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