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Comment Re:New patent strategy (Score 2) 101

new patent = (existing process) x ["with a computer" | "on the internet" | "with a 3D printer" | "in a box" | "with a fox" | "via drone" | "in virtual reality" | "with methane micro-lasers" | "in an app" | "with more cowbell" | "with an AI" | "dipped in liquid nitrogen" | "using fiber optics" | "facilitated by nanobots" | "using MEMS" | "meme enhanced"]

Comment WAHHH, stop looking at my stuff that I put online! (Score 1) 95

So much for websites crying about AdBlock stealing food from their children's mouths.
Now AdBlock prevents shitbirds like this from benefiting from attempting to steal food from webmaster's children. Which makes it more better, right?

I would welcome AdBlock having some sort of micropayment sponsor system baked in where I could choose to support sites whose content I value. Twenty years of the web, and still nobody's figured how to make that shit work. Is Ted Nelson even still alive?

Comment Burns, Montgomery Burns (Score 2) 421

Granted, controlled artificial volcanic eruptions are neater than the Illuminati spraying beryllium nanoparticles from 747s 24x7.
But if you don't have a orbital sunshade swarm at L1 and blackout Tuesdays, you're just not a power worth worrying about.

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