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Comment Re:Start by getting the GOVERNMENT out of it (Score 1) 27

Madison was wrong. Other founding fathers such as Hamilton understood the General Welfare provision very broadly. Anyway we don't need taxes; fund the government at zero cost through the Fed. Banks make use of the Fed's financing powers, let the government direct the Fed to finance a basic income. Indexation of all incomes hedges against any potential unexpected inflation by keeping purchasing power from decreasing.

Comment Re:What a lot of horse?shit (Score -1, Troll) 305

And scientists concoct fables about big bangs and multiverses and fought tooth and nail against the theory of continental drift for decades. How do you know you're not just as wrong now as scientists were about tectonic plate theory? Tomorrow you might suddenly find out the Native Americans are right after all. In any case those observatories are ugly poop that destroy natural mountain landscapes. Shoot those scientists up to space to build a telescope. I bet they'd prefer that.

Comment Re:The protesters complaints are NUTS!!! (Score 0) 305

In Arizona, Baboquivari is a sacred site. It stands out, it is very distinctive from large distances away. Next range over has Kitt Peak Observatory, which is ugly and destroys the natural mountain's ridge line. Screw Kitt Peak. Just say no to earth-bound observatories. Put 'em in space. I bet the scientists would like that too.

Comment Re:Par for the course for religion (Score 3, Interesting) 305

What law gives the government the right to destroy sacred land?


The project "is predicated on this idea that we have some permission to take over these spaces and use them for scientific research," Adam Burgasser, an associate professor of astrophysics at the University of California, San Diego, told BuzzFeed. "Even though I benefit greatly from that professionally, I don't think we can make that assumption that we have rights to this mountain," he added.

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