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Comment Re:System worked, then? (Score 2) 163

The system did not work, the warrant should have never been issued it was a fishing expedition wrapped up in "science". To start the used a commercial DNA database aka someplace that sucker innocents into submitting DNA samples ( for genealogical purposes with promises of anonymity and control. The first warrant broke that anonymity and led to the guys father even though they knew he was not a suspect. They then got a warrant to forcibly sample the son with the extra info of apparently he had friends on facebook near the crime and directed horror flicks.

So the first person they invaded the privacy of, they knew had no connection to the crime and based on a commercial database that was created under false pretenses. They then forced a person to submit DNA (that will stay in the system forever). This was all fishing with no evidence.

If this is left to stand sooner or later the police will be able to match everybodys DNA as sequencing is becoming the norm. Companies like Quest Diag etc will put some clause 13 pages into a form you have to sign to get a lab test done saying it's ok for them to sell your sequence anonymously. Then a partial match is grounds enough to get a warrant to break that anonymity without giving the persona a chance to fight it.

Sure the genie is out of the bottle our DNA is becoming easier to sequence and we know more and more by looking at that sequence. This has important medical benefits. Would you be ok with the police being able to search everybody's medical records looking for a white male with a cleft palate since they had a suspect with that medical condition. We need to keep the bar far higher for the police to access medical records.

Comment Re:Baking political correctness in society (Score 1) 367

Disagreeing with a law is never moot, this is exactly the sort of things jurors can choose to refuse to convict on, in effect society's power to pardon the wrongly accused.

We are making laws to get politicians elected, this does not make our society better. It's why we have the second highest percentage of people in jail in the world (with only a tiny island nation of 90k higher than us). People seem to forget we need the minimum amount of laws for us to live reasonably happily together not a special snowflake law for everything that might piss us off.

Comment Conversly (Score 3, Interesting) 292

I see resume's for people with less than 5 years experience with "expert" level knowledge in 200+ things. Meaning that they saw it once.

It really seems that it's the HR departments that are using this stuff as checkbox gatekeepers. In a perfect world I want to see some of your code but thats nearly always locked up under contracts. But as long as the list of checkboxes gets longer so does the list of lies.

Comment Re:Baking political correctness in society (Score 2) 367

Hate speech laws are broken as they make nonviolent speech a crime. They do not require that it was intended to cause panic (the classic shouting fire in a crowded theater) or instruct others to do harm. It makes a crime of failing to use PC speech.

In your example neither should be more than defacing public property.

Comment Re:IANAL, but my answer would be no (Score 1) 340

Just as a safe, they are free to use whatever means they can to access it.

Compelling a person to give them information that would incriminate them, hurt there reputation or put them / others in harm is broken. If a law says you have to it's still broken and morally wrong and thus should not be followed.

Comment Re:Subsidized? (Score 1) 267

Problems how often and how sever are a design issue. In current Gen IV you have GFR's that use helium as a coolant, it floats and is unable to stay radioactive for long, Compare to a Gen II with water it stays radioactive for a long time. Gen IV plants can use previous gens waste as fuel, some of the design are fairly proliferation resistant and that is a HUGE issue with helping the third world skip the industrial use of fossil fuels for power and heat.

The point is we got stuck on gen II plants, Gen III has come and gone and were just starting to see ground broke on gen IV plants.

Insurance is about the hype, fact is you get more exposure being downwind from a coal plant sure people are scared but thats because others told them to be.

Comment Re:Subsidized? (Score 1) 267

The plant you cited is a boondoggle of an outdated design, would expect it got built by highly motivated politicians. In general fission power is expensive due to excessive regulation, put there with the intent to make it expensive. Idiotic bits like things less radioactive than humans, being treated like deady contaminated objects.

Comment Re:Bad move Ikea - should gone A4WP / Rezence (Score 1) 95

A wireless standard that nobody integrates is not that useful. Qi is on a lot of devices now, the low end supports 5w of power and medium 120w. People are already hacking qi charging stations into their keyboards and desks. You can add qi charging into nearly anything with a USB port and a flat space.

Now that said something in the 10-20w range would be nice.

The competitors standard relies on bluetooth and thus generally the ability to communicate with the device CPU. Do you trust a random wireless charging station?

Comment Re:Actually (Score 1) 532

I doubt that an passive alien race would bother to leave their own gravity well. Hell I doubt a passive species will ever become intelligent int he first place. That said there is little reason for an alien race to care about us, nothing is very useful or unique at the bottom of a gravity well the size of a planet.

It's an issue of population density that is rather curable once we spread out. It's fairly reasonable that they spreading out will keep the aggression in check for a very long time.

Comment Re:Actually (Score 1) 532

You can prove that it effects everybody equally??? That this is no antidote for a select few? You can not ever make that happen. How do you counteract it when an aggressive alien race shows up? Native species becomes dangerous?

Humans need 2 things to thrive, near limitless power and space. Aggression will help us get there, it drives us to risk and to reach.

Look at NASA 60 years ago they strapped a chair to a rocket with less cpu umph that an arduino and made it to the moon. Now they are so worried about any possible failure that it takes them decades to do anything. That is the different between one guy in charge with a mission vs committees upon committees.

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