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Comment Re: Rent-seeking? (Score 2, Informative) 150

If not it would look like monopoly abuse, using their dominant position to cut margins to levels others couldn't sustain and paying for exclusive access to customers.

Response 1: What monopoly?
Response 2: You mean how Google uses it's monopoly on search to fund Android and give it away for free - reducing the margin to 0?

Comment Re:Can Apple be Far Behind? (Score 1) 194

It should certainly be possible to put that in a MacBook Air to allow it to run iOS 7 and onward, so we can have both low power tablet and high power OSX in one small package.

There is no need to have an A7 in the Macbook Air to run iOS apps.

There is already a fully functional version of iOS 7 that runs on x86 based Macs and there has been since the app store was introduced. In fact I doubt that there is a single app in existence for iOS that hasn't at one point been run natively on an x86 based Mac.

When a developer runs an iOS app on the iPhone simulator for the Mac, they are not running on an emulator, the app is compiled as an x86 binary and linked against an x86 build of the iOS libraries.

Comment Re:Google more restrictive than Microsoft (Score 5, Insightful) 194

The one that wrote the article either has no clue what he was writing about or he's getting paid to be dumb. Basically, you want to use Google's services? You gotta do it the way *they* want you to do it. It's their services and their terms.

" if Google did not act, we faced a Draconian future, a future where one man, one company, one device, one carrier would be our only choice. So if you believe in openness, if you believe in choice, if you believe in innovation from everyone, then welcome to Android. Now letâ(TM)s get started.â

Andy Rubin......

Comment Re: This sounds like accidents waiting to happen (Score 1) 264

Now frankly, as a stockholder, I'd prefer that he'd work on getting Apple's diminishing marketshare issues resolved first before the Jobs Reality Distortion Effect finally wears off before spending time on green issues otherwise the green issues are kinda moot... but that's just me.

Right because chasing market share by lowering prices has worked so well for PC makers and Android manufacturers.

Comment Re:Isn't there, though? (Score 1) 179

And then they turned their phone off. Do you expect Firefox to still be refreshing your tabs while your computer is powered off and dismantled?

They may have turned their phone off, but that doesn't mean that they turned off their iPod Touch, iPad, or Mac that are all capable of receiving iMessages.

Comment Re:I thought this had been settled long ago. (Score 1) 491

Mod parent up!

This is exactly what is going on. There isn't a shortage of STEM workers at all. There is a shortage of STEM workers willing to work for minimum wage. What companies want is H1-B factories. Cheap foreign labor. I don't know who will buy their products when nobody has a high enough paying job to afford them though.

I see hundreds of listings in the area where I live for qualified developers with a salary between $80 - $105,000, I've personally never had to look for more than two weeks to find another job. No it's not in California and the cost of living is not that high here.

Comment Re: Antitrust, are you kidding? (Score 1) 742

No. There will always be people who use Microsoft (for reasonable values of always), just as there will always be people who can't properly use the BLOCKQUOTE tag on Slashdot :-) Your inference falsely assumes that all the people in the world will eventually get a clue :-)

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