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Comment where do i sign up? (Score 1) 137

i haven't had an accident in almost 20 years
i never run red lights
i'm not in a constant hurry like most of the idiots i see in NYC
i'll gladly take a discount in exchange for proof that i'm a safe driver. i'm at the point where i'm thinking of recording my driving like they do in russia just in case i get hit or hit someone stopping in the street out of the blue for no reason

Comment Re:Say what you will but this is cool (Score 1) 52

the scifi future seems to always be to suck up money from people with impulse control issues who want something NOW and are willing to pay big bucks for it and whine why it should be cheaper

preloading digital games so you can play the second the game goes live
one click shopping
digital media with no refunds even if you never use it or watch it

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The solution of this problem is trivial and is left as an exercise for the reader.
