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Graphic Novelist Calls For Better Game Violence 465

eldavojohn writes "Landry Walker (alternative comics creator of X-Ray Studios) has a brief opinion piece at Elder Geek asserting that all he wants for Christmas is more realistic game violence. While he acknowledges the world probably isn't ready for it, he wishes that getting shot in a video game was a bit more like getting shot in real life. From his piece: '... that's my problem with video game violence. Bullets are something we shrug off. Point blank fire with a machine gun is something that a tiny bit of flexible body armor and 20 seconds sitting on a magic invisibility inducing gargoyle can cure. Time and time again, I've heard people claim that they want to see a greater degree of realism in video games. But that's a lie. We don't want realism. We want fantasy. We want unlimited ammo and we want rapid respawns. We want to jump out of second story windows without a scratch. We want to dodge bullets and shake off mortal wounds without pause.' What say you, reader? Would this bring a new level of impossibility to video games or would there be a way to balance this out?"

Comment Re:incompetence (Score 2, Insightful) 242

1) Yes
2) Yes
3) Maybe :D

To be blunt, I have noticed a MASSIVE decline in the quality, intelligence, and desire to do a 'good' job in the companies I've been at over the last 5 years. The outsourcing boom chronicled so nicely in Office Space and the like has not done anything to improve the quality of tech work.

I would say good IT people are probably 1 in 100 or less - the rest are either grossly incompetent, lazy, or completely burned out by carrying 2-3 times the workload that should be expected of them.

Always-on, always-on-call lifestyles and mentalities have driven many of the good rank and file (those not totally into IT for whatever reason, but still competent and savvy) out into pretty much ANY other field.

Heck, I know 8 amazing IT people who left last year when they became the 'last one standing' after massive outsourcing or layoffs. They decided that they would rather open barbershops, bookstores, coffeeshops, or go to the business side.

The people left are just ghastly. (I'm generalizing - there are still some amazing people, it's just that the *ratio* is so bad)

Comment Re:First Paragraph (Score 1) 328

Exactly - I spent a year running a Y2K lab, constantly running through key dates so that programmers could test code. Stuff broke - stuff broke UGLY. It took months to get most of it working properly, and if the systems I was testing had broken?
People would have noticed. People would have sued.

Comment Re:Java too complex (Score 1) 558

Wll, I'm so sorry I didn't have such an amazing god of Java around 10 years ago to do all this for me! It would have made *my* life easier!

On the other hand, I find people like you can talk the talk, but not walk the walk.

So why don't you gloat and feel happy, and I'll continue to point out that for *me* Java was a less efficient and productive language.

The whole point I was making was about subjective experience - I never claimed it was anything but my fault.

Comment Re:Java too complex (Score 1) 558

This is strange. I recall reading a lengthy article about how Java got list sorting to use roughly the same number of cycles as C. My guess is either you used the wrong algorithm, used a poorly optimized JVM, or had some other setting set wrong. If Java was consuming more memory, you could be losing all your performance to garbage collection. But my experience with Java, sorting lists several hundred thousand items long, was that it worked perfectly fine and was very quick.

Entirely possible. I may at some point go back and review it, but essentially I had a huge local table (20,000 databases long, up to 20 rows wide) that was sortable by the user clicking on a column header. Therefore the sort is taking place completely based on the user's selection criteria. I think I used Swing Tables for the Java side, as they were quite the rage at the time.

Support for dumping data into Excel and Word - this was a killer feature. I was able to generate SOX and sizing reports on the fly with C#. Java? No such luck. I never did get it working quickly and properly.

I just dump the data into XML files. There's lots of viewers for those. You could even whip up an AJAX frontend to prettify it.

It's subjective whether this is more difficult. I started out a web developer - my first language was javascript - so to me it's pretty easy. The kind of thing I'd spend an afternoon or two on.

Ahhh - but see, that doesn't fit the requirement. The requirement is that I have to populate the Auditor's Excel and Word docs (as noted by the 'SOX'), often already laden with random auditor formatting. AJAX and all is cute, but if it doesn't fit the requirement of 'Must be an Excel document', then it doesn't fly.

It's possible now with the improvement of ODF and such that I could gin up something, but again. More time spent when a *much* easier approach exists.


iPhone Has 46% of Japanese Smartphone Market 214

MBCook writes "Despite claims earlier in the year that the iPhone was hated by Japanese consumers (later disproved), the iPhone has been doing well in the land of the rising sun and the evidence is in. Apple has taken 46% of the Japanese smartphone market, cutting in half the once 27% market share of the previous lead, Advance Sharp W-Zero3 (Japanese site). The article includes a large chart of the market share of Japanese smartphones over the last 3 years."

Comment Re:Java too complex (Score 3, Informative) 558

You may be right here. I have, on many occasions, had to program reasonable size DB apps in both. .NET may only be truly on windows, but it's actually not so bad to code in. I wrote a DB reporting and maint. app in C# in roughly 2 weeks, the previous version of which in Java took almost 2 months.

Major things, IME that made the difference?
Crazy easy remote DB access (sure, neither are exactly rocket science, but .net was quicker and more flexible)
Easy installs - this had me from the start. I wasn't writing a web app, but a desktop app. The C# one was a breeze, the Java one a major headache
Attractive frontends - this will probably start yet another flamewar, but many of the java frontends are HIDEOUS
Performance when doing large dataset manipulations - for example, determining which server had the least free space, or which one had the most obsolete users. These are fairly trivial sorting tasks, but the java version took probably twice as long and more memory (in my implementation, which may well have sucked to be frank).
Support for dumping data into Excel and Word - this was a killer feature. I was able to generate SOX and sizing reports on the fly with C#. Java? No such luck. I never did get it working quickly and properly.

Comment Re:Not using an Ubuntu logo? (Score 1) 163

LOL - I had just foolishly *assumed* that by now Slashdot would get their stuff together.

And sadly no, I'm not that new. I started in 2000 or so, finally registered when it became too hard to track my posts :) I'm just naive enough to think they will eventually figure it out :D

What are they up to now, 7 digits?

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